Blender -> Ogre ... transforms immaterial to result

I am trying to figure out what orientation my art should have in Blender such that it will export with the proper rotation (and whether I should be using the “swap up to Y” option).

The issue is that NO transform I apply within Blender affects the orientation of the asset as it appears in JME3. I can rotate it about X,Y,Z any angle, any direction… it appears the same in JME3 no matter what.

Checking (or not) the “swap Y for up” options does affect the result.

How do I tell Blender (2.49b) that the transform of the mesh should be exported?


  • select object in blender
  • ctrl - a
  • scale and rotation to ObData (or just rotation if you want)
  • export (for example ogre meshes with configuration from tutorial)

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Rotating the object in Blender has zero effect on the exported item. None.

The only thing I have found which alters its orientation in JME3 is whether I click the swap Y option before exporting.


try to use tutorial configuration and export with ogre meshes:

Open the menu File > Export > OgreXML Exporter to open the exporter dialog.
In the Export Materials field: Give the material the same name as the model. For example, the model something.mesh.xml goes with something.material, plus (optionally) something.skeleton.xml and some JPG files.
In the Export Meshes field: Select a subdirectory of your assets/Models/ directory. E.g. assets/Models/something/.
Activate the following exporter settings:
Copy Textures: YES
Rendering Materials: YES
Flip Axis: YES
Require Materials: YES
Skeleton name follows mesh: YES
Click export.[]=ogre

And remember Jme use other order (x,z,y) in vectors.
I use blender 2.49 too, and (knowing export configuration) + (crtl -a data) + (knowing that vector in Jme is diffrent) ->
i dont have any problems

i had no effect in rotating in blender when i dont used "ctrl - a". Maybe you just dont select object as i said?

about swapping was here
and it's still actual topic

Perhaps this is Blender usability.

I see now some scattered references to “obData” in the menus, but I don’t know what they are (some googling seems to suggest that it is the transform of the object you are working with, which would make me believe what I am doing is getting the job donea.

I am selecting the single mesh I have and then pressing r to rotate it. I then type values into the transform box that appears after a clumsy mouse drag set an arbitrary rotation. I see the mesh snap into the new orientation in Blender before my export.

If this is not sufficient to cause the rotation to come through in the export, I’m afraid I’d need an explanation of what precisely you mean by “scale and rotation to ObData”.

I really appreciate you walking me through this. I’d vastly prefer having command-line tools to convert .3ds → .j3o


“If this is not sufficient to cause the rotation to come through in the export, I’m afraid I’d need an explanation of what precisely you mean by “scale and rotation to ObData”.”

i dont know what exacly this do, but this helped me export rotation and scale to be “correct” in Jme.

I’m using ogre meshes(that support animations). and if i select object in blender, then i do crtl-a and “scale and rotation to ObData”, then i export THIS OBJECT via ogre meshes, then all work correct in Jme.

I think “ObData” is some kind of data for export.

Becouse you are using 3ds → .j3o then maybe it use other export without using ObData, so it dont work ;/