Cabo Trafalgar new feature, sharing controls with smartphones (with video)

I hope you enjoy (and envy!!) this cool mode, it’s based on a first step for multiplayer, using microservices hosted in Ireland (apologies to non-european if you try to use it now).

If you have questions after the video, feel free to ask, I’m more than happy to help with architecture questions.

Video Demo Shared Controls in Cabo Trafalgar:

Lately I’ve been writing a lot regarding this topic, in case you’re interested:

Multiplayer modes I want to get for Cabo Trafalgar: Multiplayer modes, present and future
Event processing (why not to use input manager in your models directly): Event processing 1
Event processing (second part): Event processing 2


That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted this to be a more mainstream thing, using your touch-device as a controller for your monitor.

I used to have a project to make something more generic, using the CV library (artificial vision) and webcams, but I had to stop after checking how complicated it was to detect hands. If I had more time I’d try again with Kinect.

On the other hand, my solution here is quite applicable to other games, if anybody is interested, it’s not that difficult, you just need to change the way your input arrives to your models to inject external messages. (AMQ is your friend here, as it supports websockets out of the box).

What I did buy and I’m willing to adapt is a WiiFit scale as a controller :smiley: