Cant get Cubes test running


I’ve installed cubes as a plugin and added it to my project using Properties->Libraries->Add Library but when I try this code:

it says “cannot find symbol”, symbol: variable BLOCK_WOOD , location class CubesTestAssets on CubesTestAssets.BLOCK_WOOD .

I dont know what to do, any help?

This is also not working:

[java]Block blockStone = new Block(new BlockSkin(new BlockSkin_TextureLocation(9, 0), false));[/java]

Because it seems like Block only has the constructor Block()

I Solved the first problem, I replaced CubesTestAssets.BLOCK_WOOD with Block_Stone.class but I still cant create my own Blocks

The wiki is out of date, sorry - Actually, it is using the newest update of the framework. I also comitted this update to the repo but unfortunately, the jme sdk doesn’t build the plugins at the moment - So you won’t be able to use it until this will be activated again. :frowning:

In the meantime, you can use the “old” version of the framework that is currently available in your sdk and that you are using right now. You can find the old wiki pages explaining your version here:

Sorry for the circumstances. :slight_smile:

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the old version wiki also seem to be incorrectly…

is there another way to get the newest lib ? How do I “build pulgins” in my sdk?

The old wiki code should work with the lib you added via the sdk (Libraries → Add Library). Can you show a specific error message or code that you’re getting/running? :slight_smile:

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@destroflyer said: The old wiki code should work with the lib you added via the sdk (Libraries -> Add Library). Can you show a specific error message or code that you're getting/running? :)

Thanks for quick the answers, I was confused which wiki version I should use, its working now.

How can I make Blocks that look like a pyramid like in this pic ?

That’s a feature that will be introduced with the update I talked about, along with several performance optimations and a nicer structure of the code and managing your blocks.
The update is finished and ready to use, but the jme build server doesn’t update the plugins in the sdk at the moment, so you will have to wait until they are built the next time. :frowning:

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@destroflyer said: That's a feature that will be introduced with the update I talked about, along with several performance optimations and a nicer structure of the code and managing your blocks.

Nice :slight_smile: , is there also a feature to change the x,y,z size of the blocks? F.e. I want every block to be x,y,z = 3,1,3 . If not, could this be implemented?

@destroflyer said: The update is finished and ready to use, but the jme build server doesn't update the plugins in the sdk at the moment, so you will have to wait until they are built the next time. :(
How does this work? Cubes is my first plugin and I have no clue whats going on. How long does the server need to update? Is it broken?
is there also a feature to change the x,y,z size of the blocks? F.e. I want every block to be x,y,z = 3,1,3 . If not, could this be implemented?
Not yet, but I'll implement it when I look into the Cubes code the next time. Thansk for the hint.
How does this work? Cubes is my first plugin and I have no clue whats going on. How long does the server need to update? Is it broken?
The jme server normally updates the plugins (and with them their java libraries) periodically, but it broke some time ago I think. I don't know how long it will take to fix it, sorry. But you don't have to worry about anything - When the plugin update is available, you can just update it via the sdk (Tools -> Plugins, if I remember correctly).
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@destroflyer said:. But you don't have to worry about anything - When the plugin update is available, you can just update it via the sdk (Tools -> Plugins, if I remember correctly).

I think I need the newest version to start coding because I want the feature that blocks are looking different. Also, when I update a plugin and the code changes, will the sdk refactor what I’ve coded so far? I guess not… Is there someone I could talk to or something I could do to help to get the server running again? I’ve read that some jme server is running in some dudes mothers basement and has electricity issues, I may be able to set up a server if thats the problem.

Also, when I update a plugin and the code changes, will the sdk refactor what I’ve coded so far?
I guess not… Is there someone I could talk to or something I could do to help to get the server running again? I’ve read that some jme server is running in some dudes mothers basement and has electricity issues, I may be able to set up a server if thats the problem.
You would have to talk to @normen I think, not sure though who is under control of the build server. I think the server itself is not the problem and we recently switched to a high quality server and there are just some issues with all the changes that were made regarding svn->git, but I may be not up-to-date here.
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@drollian said: I think I need the newest version to start coding because I want the feature that blocks are looking different. Also, when I update a plugin and the code changes, will the sdk refactor what I've coded so far? I guess not... Is there someone I could talk to or something I could do to help to get the server running again? I've read that some jme server is running in some dudes mothers basement and has electricity issues, I may be able to set up a server if thats the problem.

The server is online again and we’re in the process to set up the builds again.

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@normen said: we're in the process to set up the builds again.

Nice :slight_smile: Is it enough to update the sdk when the update is available or do I have to update the plugins separately via Tools->Plugins->Updates? Any idea when youre done / its available?

@drollian said: Nice :) Is it enough to update the sdk when the update is available or do I have to update the plugins separately via Tools->Plugins->Updates?

If you have the plugin installed already then Help->Check for Updates will do.