Chimp v0.0.1a released

Ok, I decided that I might as well release the current half assed implementation of Chimp for anyone interested to play around with and look at.

I'm still desperately in the need of help to get the alpha channel working. Send any bugs, suggestions and patches to

you should set up a project on google-code… or somewhere - would have svn and all… :slight_smile:

I have to be honest, have not even looked at it yet. But it has to be worth it just to be able to say things like

I might as well release the current half assed implementation of Chimp for anyone interested to play around with
in context  :D

He he… I should start intentionally littering the currently lacking documentation with chimp related jokes :wink:

I probably will throw it on sourceforge, google code or at some point if it ends up being more than just a tiny lib. But at this point it doesn't really seem worth the effort :slight_smile:

I just posted another update with numerous bugfixes, a new progressbar component and vastly improved javadocs.

What's the policy/etiquette on publishing these kinds of updates in this forum? Should I stop posting them? if not, where would be the proper place to post them… and with a new post for each update or just as replies to a general chimp update thread?