Choppy camera control

When controlling a camera thru the keyboard and mouse, all xyz movement and rotation seem to be smooth.

When moving the camera via a curve controller or extenal data source the camera moves smooth on xyz and rotates smooth on "left" and "direction". However rotation on the "up" axis is pretty choppy. Has anyone run into this before? This seems to be the case for both standard and multi-viewport displays.



No, I haven’t tried that yet. Can you post a test case for it? We’ll look into it.


I was unable to duplicate the problem when starting with the testbeziercurve example. After some experimenting, I was able to smooth out the camera by calling .lookAt after setting the cameras position and rotation. I still have a problem where the camera rotates like a pendelum instead of rotating about it’s center, but I think that’s my own math problem.

