Client doesn´t connect properly

Hi @all,

I decided to go multiplayer with my little project and read the tutorials about SpiderMonkey.
When I start the client without server being started, it fails; so far so good.
But when I start the client after the server was started, it doesn´t really connect, but simply does… nothing at all.

This is my Server:
public class NetworkManager implements ConnectionListener {
private Main m;
private Server server;
private ServerListener listener;

public NetworkManager(Main m)  {this.m=m;}
public void init() {
    try {server = Network.createServer(6143);server.addConnectionListener(this);
    } catch (IOException ex) {Logger.getLogger(NetworkManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);}

private void registerMessages() {
    listener = new ServerListener();

public void stop() {
    while (server.getConnections().size()>0) {server.getConnection(0).close("Server is shutting down.");}

public void connectionAdded(Server server, HostedConnection conn) {

public void connectionRemoved(Server server, HostedConnection conn) {}


And this is my Client:
public class NetworkManager implements ClientStateListener {
private Main m;
private Client client;

public NetworkManager(Main m) {this.m=m;}
public void init() {registerMessages();}

private void registerMessages() {

public void connect() {
    try {client = Network.connectToServer("localhost",6143);client.addClientStateListener(this);System.out.println("test");
    } catch (IOException ex) {Logger.getLogger(NetworkManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);}

public void stop() {client.close();}

public void clientConnected(Client c) {
    Message message = new LoginMessage(m.getName());
    if (client.isConnected()) {client.send(message);}

public void clientDisconnected(Client c, DisconnectInfo info) {m.stop();System.exit(0);}


When I call “connect()” on the Client, “test” gets printed, as to be excpected.
But neither the Server nor the Client is calling “connectionAdded(…)” or respectiveley “clientConnected(…)”.

I hope it´s just a basic misunderstanding somewhere.
Thanks in advance!

The TestChatClient and TestChatServer show how to get a basic client/server app setup and may be the best example to look at because it works and then you can pick it apart, compare to your own, etc…

Also, just a small note: your code would be easier to read if you split your lines up into lines instead of concatenating them all together in one big long thing that scrolls off the edge.

Ah, I missed that client.start(), thank you!