CloneImportExport still buggy?


I want to use CloneImportExport to increase the performance when loading a model. It kinda worked in the past, but since months it seems to be buggy now. Since it is still today, I finally decided to post it here:

  1. When loading saved models that have textures the textures are not loaded (there exists a TextureState, but they don’t have any Texture object).
  2. I use a lot of the same models simultaneously (not the same java-objects, but the equal models of course). When I load saved models many of them just won’t appear and only one of them is actually rendererd, as if they share the same java-object (I guess it’s the problem like here: but it doesn’t seem to be fixed to me…).

    The first problem is minor since I can cirumvent it by manually saving addional information about the textures, which has worked so far.

    But the second problem prevents me from using CloneImportExport.

    Here is how I use it:

    Storing a model:


    CloneImportExport clone = new CloneImportExport();



    Loading a saved model:


    clone = new CloneImportExport();



    Am I using it the wrong way? Is there a possibility that it will be fixed in the near future (if it is an actually bug and not my fault)?

    Is there maybe another way of cloning/caching loaded objects to reuse them?

I just replaced every HashMap with an IdentityHashMap (Search & Replace ftw :D) and it works fine now. The loading time is much shorter now and loading stuff ingame is now negligable thanks to this. Maybe this helps someone with similiar problems :slight_smile:

My class which also handles the Texture issue looks like this:


public class ClonedModel {

private CloneImportExport clone;

private HashMap<String, Texture> textures;

public ClonedModel(Node model) {

clone = new CloneImportExport();


textures = new HashMap<String, Texture>();



private void saveTextures(Node parent) {

for(Spatial child : parent.getChildren()) {

if(child instanceof Node) saveTextures((Node)child);

else {

assert(child instanceof TriMesh);

TriMesh mesh = (TriMesh)child;

TextureState ts = (TextureState)mesh.getRenderState(StateType.Texture);

if(ts != null) textures.put(mesh.getName(), ts.getTexture());




public Node loadClone() {

Node newNode = (Node)clone.loadClone();


return newNode;


private void putTextures(Node parent) {

for(Spatial child : parent.getChildren()) {

if(child instanceof Node) putTextures((Node)child);

else {

assert(child instanceof TriMesh);

TriMesh mesh = (TriMesh)child;

TextureState ts = (TextureState)mesh.getRenderState(StateType.Texture);

if(ts != null) ts.setTexture(textures.get(mesh.getName()), 0);






Note that this is only possible because I made sure that all Trimeshs of my models have unique names. I guess it could be modified to support models with non-unique names, but I need this property anyway :slight_smile:

It’s maybe not the best solution, but it works and is reasonably fast I guess. Hope this helps :slight_smile: