Community Promotion Ads on Game Development StackExchange website is a community driven Q&A website. In the screenshot, the red marked area is for community promotion ad, means what is shown here is provided by the community. So, if someone from the community make an ad then I or anyone can post it to GameDev site and it will be shown if that gets up-voted enough.

So, It would be great if someone from the community comes up with a cool ad, that can be submitted there! Details about, what constrains should be followed for the image, can be found in this link.

In short,

  • The image that you create must be 220 x 250 pixels
  • Must be GIF or PNG
  • No animated GIFs
  • Absolute limit on file size of 150 KB

    cheers :slight_smile:

    The other ads that has passed the bar are found in this link. (yes, its few)
1 Like

thats a nice idea, perhaps we should wait for the beta, then we could put that on the ad. “Beta released blablaahabla” or something idk, im no marketing expert :P.

There should be any alpha or beta mentioned. Like Construct what did.

We never did anything related to this, did we?

haha :smiley:

StackExchange proposal.

Good idea? (I think so)

@yanick said:
StackExchange proposal.

Good idea? (I think so)

What is the overall benefit? Is it just the visibility of being near SO or is there something else to it? We already have a forum, the addition of a Stack Exchange community just means that folks would either have to check both places or choose one that they frequent, effectively splitting the active community.
@sbook said:
What is the overall benefit? Is it just the visibility of being near SO or is there something else to it? We already have a forum, the addition of a Stack Exchange community just means that folks would either have to check both places or choose one that they frequent, effectively splitting the active community.

I find the forum awkward to use, and StackExchange has a better tool to detect duplicate questions, tag and voting system, etc. Asking questions there would make it more "uniform", and just have the ticket system for bugs/suggestions proposals. Bottom line, WordPress is hardly a good tool for forums. IMO.

#1 - We want to own & manage our own information. The benefits of that should be obvious.

#2 - What you’re proposing has nothing to do with “Community Promotion Ads on Game Development StackExchange website”. Please start a new thread if you’d like to discuss this further.

Just curious, is there a way to contribute to jMonkeyEngine? I like the way Blender cookie handles it with the citizenship. But not sure how it would work here with this community. Maybe just away to simply donate? I know I would, even though 3D is mainly a hobby of mine. It would be a way at least imo to help out with servers / hardware when needed.

Just a opinion. <3