Contribution Policies

Contributors, as you have a new patch you wish to submit to the repository, add a new topic to this board. Your post should include a overview description of what you are adding/changing and the diff (or code post if required) of the change. You should wait at least 24 hours before submitting the contribution and only if there are no "issues" raised as a response to your post.

Why don't you make some type of template? That way, every post is layed out the same way, and it is easier to look through the code and see the fix they are making. I like how it is easier to do a post with a template, too.

How do I become a contributor ?

I will put the contribution policy news-bit here for quick reference for those interested…

In an effort to become a better player in the open source community, jMonkeyEngine is tweaking it
   2. The user will post on the forum any changes they wish to contribute back to the code base.

Can we define how trivial changes are being handled?
For example if you start, your in the middle of a sphere, you need to zoom out first, to see what the test is about.
Now i would like to commit a change, which moves the camera back a bit, so that the whole scene can be watched.

This is a really trivial change and doesn't really need to be discussed, so posting a Thread simply for that is a bit of a overkill.

small changes can be made with less hassle/overhead.

Its up the developer to define what a trivial change is.

Maybe such a policy could only be applied to the jmetest package?
And any change in the jme package would still require a thread in the contribution depot.
Core-Dump said:

   2. The user will post on the forum any changes they wish to contribute back to the code base.

Can we define how trivial changes are being handled?
For example if you start, your in the middle of a sphere, you need to zoom out first, to see what the test is about.
Now i would like to commit a change, which moves the camera back a bit, so that the whole scene can be watched.

This is a really trivial change and doesn't really need to be discussed, so posting a Thread simply for that is a bit of a overkill.

small changes can be made with less hassle/overhead.

Its up the developer to define what a trivial change is.

Maybe such a policy could only be applied to the jmetest package?
And any change in the jme package would still require a thread in the contribution depot.

I agree with this sentiment.  Having a separate branch to try out smaller changes or more bleeding edge stuff is probably a good idea.  Then the main branch can have a higher emphasis on quality. 

Is this were I request contribution access??

I would REALLY like that, and have a couple of really nice things up my sleeve :wink:

If you are interested in becoming a Contributor send an email to with your desire.

hey there!

Question is whereto go the changes and contributions? trunk or branches/2.0.x?

  • Where go bugfixes?
  • Where go changes (small enhancements and so forth)
  • Where go new features?

    so long,


Right now everything goes into trunk.

A Branch can be created to work on certain things which will be merged into trunk sooner or later like blaine does right now.

Blaine for example is working in the blenderjme branch to work on the blender exporter scripts.

Momoko_fan is working in the mf_jme3test branch for his prototype (which wont be merged into trunk for now of course, but might be jme3 one day or not, who knows)

A branch should be created once the trunk is stable, before new features get added which are not backwards compatible.

This branch would then be the latest stable version which only receives bugfixes (merged from trunk) but no new features.

(this is no offical statement just my opinion :slight_smile: )

It seems to me like some ‘best practices’ for committing and a ‘contribution policy’ set in stone is not yet present?

I can’t say for sure, but to me it looks like most of you took mojomonk’s guidelines in consideration, but gradually applied your own best practices as preferred and suitable. Whether this has turned out to become one great unwritten unified standard, or several very similar ones, I don’t know, but I would imagine the latter is a far more realistic outcome.

Based on mojomonk’s first initiative, but also considering past comments (1, 2 and this thread) and contemporary common practices, does anyone care to write up a new and more complete proposal for this? Then we’d have a new discussion for maybe a week or so and then really do set it in stone (wiki, website, sticky & announcement).

Naturally though, such guidelines will always be up for reconsideration with perpetual instances :wink:

i added some conventions that were discussed/agreed to the wiki, but its far from complete.  ('Infos for Contributors / Developers')

Yup, that's a good start. It could be that the developers of jME2vs3 would have slightly differing opinions about this, but it really would be best if we could maintain just one unified standard for all branches.