Downloading JME

I've looked repeatedly on the download page to try and download jme 2.0, but I can't find any link that tries to download anything to my computer.  The only links that work are ones that try to send me to google.  Can someone please clarify as to what I'm missing?  :?


JME 2 is currently only available as a source code distribution and you will need to use SVN to download it.

If you use eclipse or netbeans, start by following the instructions here -

Thanks JOC.  I was able to follow your instructions and am connecting the jME2 to NetBeans.  I've been able to connect the first file (jME2) with no problems.  However, the second file (jME2Physics) doesn't seem to work.  I keep getting errors when trying to compile.  I think it's the first line I get lost at.

  • Create a new Java Application project and do not create a Main class for it. Call it jME2Physics.

    Problem is, I don't know which file it's supposed to go in.  I put it in jME2/jME2Physics/, but I get an error.  I considered putting it just under jME2/, but when I type out the Project Application, I get an error message at the bottom of the window.  It says I can't use this name because the project folder for jME2Physics already exists and is not empty.

    Any advice? :?

What do you have in your jME2/jME2Physics/ folder? Try deleting whatever is in there and then checkout the project source for jME Physics 2, much like you did for jME. If you are still having problems and don't specifically need jME Physics 2 (its not required) then feel free to skip it.

Hi All,

I would suggest to restrict read-only access to trunk. In my opinion JME should be allowed to be checked-out only from branches (that will represent milestones or other versions). Since I checked-out maybe more then 10 JME related thingies I got the same problem with the source everywhere:

  Every developer just got a snapshot from trunk, build it and bundle it as a library with its own tool, this is a bit problematic thought.

  Currently from more then 10 JME related stuffs I manage to build only 1 flawlessly.

Kind Regards,


ches said:

Hi All,
I would suggest to restrict read-only access to trunk. In my opinion JME should be allowed to be checked-out only from branches...

Open source software projects should not restrict read-only access to any source code.  If there are dependency, build, or branch modification problems, then the root cause should be addressed directly.