Earth atmosphere

Looks impressive…would you consider making the source code and resources available to look at?

sorry for being unclear!

i googled the image. i just wanted to have something to refer to … plus: i am quite sure that the image is prerendered (seems to be an old project from the university of munich ) …

bloom is the problem: i found out that bloom+bump mapping results in very strange black and grey shades :frowning: (i guess a bug) plus bloom just creates an atmosphere-like gloom where the snow is on the earth, not on normal land or oceans … the halo has to be the same all around the earth.

Isn't he asking HOW to do it?  :slight_smile:

Are you looking for bloom ???

hehe…my bad…I confused what he was saying to be that he had gotten that far but wasn't able to get it to look how he wanted. :o

the reason for not rendering the full scene once to a texture and reusing it in the final blend, is that you many times want to use a different source for the glow than the full scene...or using special glow textures or renderstates(or emissive materials) as source...

heres an example of using other renderstates for the bloom source(instead of the full rootNode scene as above)

That was from this thread about bloom. 

I don't know if it's still valid (that post was over a year ago) but if it is couldn't you use a 'special glow texture' that was just a solid white sphere the size of the planet to get a uniform glow?

it's still valid

Gentleman Hal said:

I don't know if it's still valid (that post was over a year ago) but if it is couldn't you use a 'special glow texture' that was just a solid white sphere the size of the planet to get a uniform glow?

i have no idea how to do that. help?

i also thought of a single particle in the size of the planet with a suiting texture. i would have to place it in the middle of the earth and then somehow render it before it, but behind everything else.

billboarded quad placed at plane origin with z-writes off and queue_skip drawn before could work yes…if you want something more comples, google for mie scattering and reyleigh scattering

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