Editor: jMonkeyBuilder

Added vertex/fragment preview:

and mat defā€¦

Brilliant work !

Iā€™m going to try it this weekend. Maybe I can make a Chinese localization for it.


cool :slight_smile:

First, i want to thank you for your great editor it extends the sdk very well. At the moment i wonā€™t use it as a full replacement but it has some nice features.

Here are some issues/wishes:

  1. After assigning a material to a tree definition, you are not able to remove the material and use the custom textures again.
  2. After creating the model from a tree definition, it always contains wire data. It would be preferable to have a checkmark ā€œgenerate wire dataā€
  3. There is no tga loader.
  4. If a model is to big for the scene viewer, itā€™s clipped. May be have an option here to extent/move the clipping plane?

Best Regards.

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What do you mean? I think you can do it :slight_smile: can you explain your case more detail?

Can you create a ticket about this on bitbucket?

about which scene viewer do you talk?


On the picture above the red marked assigned ā€œMaterial:ā€ overwrites in my case the Trunk subNode ā€œMaterialā€, which is a problem if i want to use the Subnode Material again and tweak the parameters on it. In short, i would need ā€œ-ā€ or remove functionality here.

Sure. Will do so.

If i have a huge object, e.g. Scale of 2048, a tree for example is clipped, see a picture below:

@nehon [quote=ā€œb00n, post:767, topic:35179ā€]
On the picture above the red marked assigned ā€œMaterial:ā€ overwrites in my case the Trunk subNode ā€œMaterialā€, which is a problem if i want to use the Subnode Material again and tweak the parameters on it. In short, i would need ā€œ-ā€ or remove functionality here.
Maybe is it?

I think you need to create a ticket about this as well :wink:

Okay, that worked ! :slight_smile:

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Not sure why you pinged me on this one?

hm, I wasnā€™t going to do it :anguished:

Iā€™m at a similar point as @b00n mentioned. I use the SDKā€™s editor for a few things, and then I use your editor for mostly everything else that I can, so thank you for your work and all the time youā€™ve saved me since I started working on my current project.

The most frequent reason I go back to the SDKā€™s editor is to quickly copy/paste scene objects like grass, trees and rocks in large quantities when Iā€™m decorating my scene. I notice that in your editor (unless Iā€™m mistaken) thereā€™s no quick way to copy and paste objects from the scene node, and if you drag and drop a .j3o file onto the scene it links the object rather than attaching it to the selected node.

can you make a short video about the case in SDKā€™s editor?

Yeah hereā€™s a short example video.

Another useful interface feature to add would be a way to scale the spatial without the mouse or using handles, like i do at the end of the video. In the SDK the ā€˜Sā€™ and "Rā€™ key let you scale or rotate the entire selection based on mouse movement (the same way blender does by default), rather than using a handle when you want to scale or rotate by an individual axis. I think having both options is nice.

D&D to the selected node in the scene:

about copy-paste and scaling, you can create a ticket about this :wink:


Oh I see, is it alright if a model is linked to the scene rather than being attached? For some reason I was thinking that linking a model wouldnā€™t save the same way as attaching, but I tested it out and it looks like it loads into the game just the same :grinning:

:wink: but in any case, I need to know about cases when users canā€™t replace SDK, so I hope you will create tickets about your cases :slight_smile:

I submitted an issue request on this page https://bitbucket.org/JavaSabr/jme3-spaceshift-editor/issues?status=new&status=open, is that the right place?

yes, itā€™s ok :slight_smile: Iā€™m going to return to fix some tickets after implementing first stage of shader nodes editor :slight_smile:

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Well, theoretically, if you copy/paste it your are duplicating the mesh data for every object, if you link it you are using the same data applying them just different transforms. And I say theoretically because I think there is still a bug Iā€™ve never been replied to.