Editor: jMonkeyBuilder

i am sorry , error in self

Requesting time node and translate node! :smiley: for simple but yet effective effects



When we add a link to a model j3o in a scene and then we move this object to place it in the right position, the attached lights do not move and stay in place. They must be moved manually afterwards.
Yet the lights are well attached to the node.

The same problem appears when I load the model into the scene (Load Model)


yeah, lights don’t have a local position in JME.
@nehon what can we do with it in this case? what do you think? :slight_smile:

Things like Ambient Lights and Directional Lights dont actually have a position either, only Point lights and and Spot Lights, and they provide a way to move them so you have to decide based upon the actual light

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I’m using 1.3.1 and I was attempting to add a tonegodemitter in a test scene and nothing happened. Regular jMonkey emitters work fine, but adding either tonegod emitter did nothing.

yes, it was already fixed in the current develop version, I think I will upload the new build in Monday.

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Awesome, thanks!

Sometimes, when modeling an object (eg a house) and want to light some parts of the house without the light affects the other rooms. Either we use precomputed light maps or we cut the parts into different parts and we attach the lights to the corresponding node. Thus the light affects only the desired part.

When several lights are placed, it is complicated then, each time to move the lights one by one when the house object is added to the scene. Especially when you have to modify your object and you have to reintroduce it into the scene.

Isn’t that what the LightControl is for?,

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Yeah… LightControl.

Because the misconception is that you guys are “attaching lights to a spatial”. You aren’t. You are attaching the spatial to the light… ie: you want that spatial lit by that light.

Else lights would be Spatials and you’d attach them just like anything else. But that’s not what they are.

Just like Camera. If you want it to follow a spatial around then you have to use a control (or something else).

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Yeah more precisely you can use a LightNode (a node that has a light control onto it)

updated readme:

I understand better, but via the SDK editor or via JMB, it is possible to add a LightControl but no possibility to associate the light, there is no automatic option.

So must we do it via the code ?

You can create a ticket about this, I will implement it in the next release of jMB.


I do not like compared, but as an example, in other engines (Unity, etc … or even in Blender), when a light is associated with an object, all the transformations applied to the object, are also the associated light.

I thought it worked the same way in JME

I add a Ticket.

Thank you


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Again… this is your mistake. You have it 100% backwards.

The light is not associated with the object. The subgraph is associated with a light.

It is not saying “Attach this light to the object”

It is saying “light this portion of the graph with this light.”

You can associate that light all over the scene graph. Which one should move it?

The fact that other engines don’t support this concept is their limitation and not ours.


I have a question: How to use the .j3s in my game? I can’t convert it to a .j3o file.

@yan https://bitbucket.org/JavaSabr/jmonkeybuilder/wiki/How%20to%20use%20extended%20features%20from%20an%20editor%20in%20your%20project.

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Thank you, I stared JavaSaBr/jmonkeybuilder-extension.

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