October 27, 2022, 11:20am
In this thread, it was a reference to Lemur Gems #1:
So, as some of you may know, Lemur is a light-weight GUI library that lets you make labels, buttons, and other twiddly bits in either 2D or 3D user interfaces.
The core design of Lemur was to build several modular toolkits that together form a full-up GUI library. Consequently, some of these toolkits have great utility even if you choose not to use the GUI elements themselves. This Gem covers one of these: InputMapper
The whole project can be found here: Lemur/examples/LemurGems at master · …
This has also been generalized into MovementState in the open source SiO2 library: GitHub - Simsilica/SiO2: Base pack of useful reusable game code that can help bootstrap any JME game project.
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MovementState is more powerful because it can be used to move any object and not just the camera directly. For example, if you had a physics-based FPS game then MovementState could move the physics object representing the player and the camera could then be separately attached to that object (either third person, in the face, whatever).