Explanation Of & Issues with the new Input System (com.jme3.input.controls)


Zathras uses Setting up Dependencies to point to jar file

I created the user library

both method are almost the same, and like zathras said, source code and jar are independent from each other so there is no way for me to make it run now, except using svn method. which I am very bad at ^^

so I will retreat back into shawdow and wait for shadowislord to update the nightly build and defeat the controls bugs

thanks for your help, I really appreciate it ^^


I comment those lines in that Control file, I also gave their line numbers in previous repy

I copied files from Infernozeus (simple, app, fly) to nightly build

ad used your tut file in eclipse

so I dont think I mixed them up, may be the way I wrote made you think I mixed them up ^^

well but it is not that important.

I will wait till inputsystem work with your tut, then I will move on, on the mean time I will improve myself at other area, like blender or audio in jme ^^ the collision is already down (at least a bit of it) ^^ and I'm still looking forward its tuts (and of course other tuts  }:-@) :smiley:

InfernoZeus said:
A solution was proposed by Bonechilla; I simply had to use multiple if statements, instead of if/elseif/elseif/...

(my code didn't have the flycam yet, so I had nothing to test simultaneous key presses with.) I see now, they all happen during the same update, and add up -- nice.

Guys, I'm tired and getting everything confused in this thread. XD I'll go to sleep, and get up early tomorrow to write some more tutorials.  :D G'night, all! 
zathras said:

Guys, I'm tired and getting everything confused in this thread. XD I'll go to sleep, and get up early tomorrow to write some more tutorials.  :D G'night, all!   

Cool, sounds good. If you need any help, just give me a shout.

It seems that things got a bit out of hand :stuck_out_tongue:

I leave for a few days and you guys start analyzing and stuff…

Anyway, I committed a small test that shows how to use the system, update from SVN to try it out. You'll notice some parts still don't function correctly. I haven't gotten to properly testing the system yet.

Momoko_Fan said:

It seems that think got a bit out of hand :P
I leave for a few days and you guys start analyzing and stuff..

Don't worry, nothing wrong with a couple of people working on something, as long as it's all constructive :)

Momoko_Fan said:

Anyway, I committed a small test that shows how to use the system, update from SVN to try it out. You'll notice some parts still don't function correctly. I haven't gotten to properly testing the system yet.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

Edit: I just tried it out, and it works alright, although that might be because I've already modified my SimpleApplication/Application. One issue however is that the actionListener never gets called for me, it always notifies the analogListener. Can anyone else confirm the same behaviour?

Thanks, Momoko_Fan!  :slight_smile:

InfernoZeus said:
I just tried it out, and it works alright, although that might be because I've already modified my SimpleApplication/Application. One issue however is that the actionListener never gets called for me, it always notifies the analogListener. Can anyone else confirm the same behaviour?

I reverted all of yesterdays hac--, uh, changes ;) and I also get nothing but the AnalogListener responses.

If you want to test the other Listener: Remove one of the addListener calls (or swap the two call). The first one is overwritten by the second, seems we can have either one or the other, currently.

controls.addListener(analogListener, "Space");
        controls.addListener(actionListener, "Space");

It 'somehow' works now :wink: Update from SVN!