First-person indoors simulator

Hi. As a starting point for my master’s thesis I need to develop an indoors, first person simulator. The simulator needs basic game control (move, jump, crouch), move objects around. I’ve created this topic for many of my questions that will be arising during the project’s implementation

I have no experience in game development, but I have quite a few years of experience in Java development. I want to start up pretty fast, so I’ve been searching for opensource blender scenes. Luckily I’ve fond a few

I managed to export it into OGRE, but when I load the scene in my project, many details are missing and the lighting in the scene is really bad. Any ideas on how to export this to look rather the same as in blender?

The lighting should be fairly simple to fix. The first step is locating the light sources in the scene graph. Most likely they were added to rootNode, so loop through rootNode.getLocalLightList() . In JME the intensity of a light source is specified using Light.setColor() . Experiment until you find values that look right to you.

Importing from blender is more tricky, due to Blender being very complex (or the importers being very limited, depending on your point of view). Have you tried bypassing Ogre and importing (or loading) the blend directly into JME?

Also, a pair of screenshots might help us understand what you mean by “details are missing”.

Hi. Thanks for the really fast response! The approach I set out with does not seem the best way to go… I have to identify each major element as a singular entity (a sofa, a vase, a book etc.). If I import the whole scene, there’s no way in differentiating between a vase and a flower in the vase… (no obvious easy way, at least) So I guess the best way to go is to compose my scene, from scratch, out of existing models. What do you think?

And if so, what’s the easiest way to set up my scene? Would the JME scene editor suffice?

@szanto.karoly said: If I import the whole scene, there's no way in differentiating between a vase and a flower in the vase... (no obvious easy way, at least) So I guess the best way to go is to compose my scene, from scratch, out of existing models. What do you think?

That sounds like a good solution.

Unfortunately I’m not qualified to advise you on the scene editor.

Depends also on scale, what size do youe xpect for your level? how many levels?

Eg if it’s only one hardcoding the objects positions is probably the fastest, but if there is more or sepcific logic necessary it needs way more.

@szanto.karoly said: Hi. As a starting point for my master's thesis I need to develop an indoors, first person simulator. The simulator needs basic game control (move, jump, crouch), move objects around. I've created this topic for many of my questions that will be arising during the project's implementation

From my own experience i’d seriously recommend learning blender properly first. I wish i’d done that before I did my prototype which ended up being me trying to make models and pull them together into something that could work. Then I realised there were so many problems, but i couldn’t find decent model replacements.

Later i scrapped it all, learnt blender much better/quicker and did everything from scratch. It only took me 2 hours to model the whole kitchen.

To differentiate between objects you simply do that in blender.

Also, there’s a book on JMonkey i’d suggest. The earlier chapters are repetitive of tutorials but the later half was very good/helpful.
Also, Normen did some JMonkey video tutorials that were extremely useful.