So I thought I would start documenting this project early. This game is going to be mainly focused on spelunking. So far I have implemented a basic cave generator. Here are a few pictures of it.
A view from outside a cave.
A view from within a cave.
Sorry for having the cubes multicolored but it was a quick fix to have descend depth perception for testing.
I think somewhere I posted here how Mythruna’s cave generator works. I don’t remember which thread or maybe it was one of your threads. Might be worth looking at if I managed to make some sense.
Yep pspeed it was me who made the topic. Just have been lazy and not worked on the project. I have been slowly implementing a generator based on what you told me. I rewrote the entire generator AGAIN. Though I didn’t rewrite the structure of it I just rewrote the whole generation part. Added textures too, more pics.
A view from the inside.
A view from the outside.
In this new version I added support for much bigger caves. I made the cave generation on the X axis off of a function. I could also easily add the other axises (axi) (axis)(sic). Hopefully I won’t have to rewrite my generator to many more times.
The absence of posting updates yesterday was because I was having trouble with making my generator. I did a lot of work on it. Here is the final product. (Excluding polishing)