Game crash at start (Fixed)

While trying to start up this game Ive been getting an error, even when I turned off advanced graphics.

It says my hardware doesnt support this program and something about vertex shader at offset 0:

Does it come up in a white window? If it does can you copy the message and post it here?

Yeah, that error message is very helpful in tracking it down!

@demman8 said:
Does it come up in a white window? If it does can you copy the message and post it here?

Well I would copy it but it wont let me do that for some odd reason

Well Im just gonna put a screen shot of what it looks like

Sounds like a really, really, really dumb driver error.

Suggestion is to upgrade immediately:

Let me know if a driver update doesn’t help (I suspect it will, though).

I did make a custom Sky shader that would allow dynamic changes in color, although I don’t think I do anything too fancy to cause this…

@Momoko_Fan said:
Sounds like a really, really, really dumb driver error.
Suggestion is to upgrade immediately:

I guess I could trust you cause youre a manager

Hope it helps
@phr00t said:
Let me know if a driver update doesn't help (I suspect it will, though).

I did make a custom Sky shader that would allow dynamic changes in color, although I don't think I do anything too fancy to cause this...

It would be useful to look at that shader, you might be using features that the GPU doesn't support. However this error really makes no sense so for now I am blaming it on the driver


[java]#import "Common/ShaderLib/Optics.glsllib"

uniform ENVMAP m_Texture;

uniform vec4 m_SkyColor;

varying vec3 direction;

void main() {

vec3 dir = normalize(direction);

gl_FragColor = Optics_GetEnvColor(m_Texture, direction);

gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragColor.r * m_SkyColor.r;

gl_FragColor.g = gl_FragColor.g * m_SkyColor.g;

gl_FragColor.b = gl_FragColor.b * m_SkyColor.b;



[java]MaterialDef Sky Plane {

MaterialParameters {

TextureCubeMap Texture

Boolean SphereMap

Color SkyColor

Vector3 NormalScale


Technique {

VertexShader GLSL100: Shaders/SkyShaded.vert

FragmentShader GLSL100: Shaders/SkyShaded.frag

RenderState {

FaceCull Off


WorldParameters {





Defines {

SPHERE_MAP : SphereMap



Technique FixedFunc {




[java]uniform mat4 g_ViewMatrix;

uniform mat4 g_ProjectionMatrix;

uniform mat4 g_WorldMatrix;

uniform vec3 m_NormalScale;

attribute vec3 inPosition;

attribute vec3 inNormal;

varying vec3 direction;

void main(){

// set w coordinate to 0

vec4 pos = vec4(inPosition, 0.0);

// compute rotation only for view matrix

pos = g_ViewMatrix * pos;

// now find projection

pos.w = 1.0;

gl_Position = g_ProjectionMatrix * pos;

vec4 normal = vec4(inNormal * m_NormalScale, 0.0);

direction = normalize( (g_WorldMatrix * normal).xyz );


It worked Thank you guys!