GameLogic and Custom Controls Design


I have finnished the MapLoader, UnitLoader and a BasicGui. Now that it’s time to implement a basic gamelogic i have read trough the Custom Controls section in the tutorials. At a first look everything looks straightforward but i am not sure that i understand it correctly. I am planning following design which should allow my whole game logic to work:

I want to make a commend and conquer like game. I need 4 different types of items in my game: Buildings, Units, Weapons and Projectiles.

I would like to allow each Item extendable with subItems (Tank has 1 or more Weapons which fire 1 ore more Projectiles) i implemented a Class GameUnit as container pattern.

Basically it is something like:


public class GameUnit extends Node{

ArrayList<GameUnit> SubUnits;

int UnitType;



Now to the part i am not sure about. From reading the tutorial i think i will need 4 different CustomControls, lets call these BuildingControl, UnitControl, WeaponControl and ProjectileControl. Depending on what type of Unit it is, when i create a new unit i need only to ‘this.addControl(x)’ to add the specific controls for each unit. Is that right?

Afterwards in my inputEvaluator class i should be able to write something like:




assuming in my UnitControl i have a function:


public setWayPoint(Vector3f waypoint){



Is this design valid or have i misunderstood something completely?

Additionally is it possible that within my UnitControl i update the state of a different CustomControl?



public void UnitControl extends Control{

public void MoveAndFire(Vector3f waypoint, Vector3f target){

for(subUnit : currentSubUnit){








Best regards


yeh thats fine