GIT: Pushing to remote repo branch

Hey all. Thought I’d put this GIT related issue here, since it is development.

Problem: Through JMonkey, how do I specify the remote branch I want to push to? It looks like all it wants to push to is master, when I have other branches I want to push to. Or is it that I should create my own local branch and be pushing that branch upstream?

That’s really not a JME related issue. Please refrain from posting this kind of questions.

If the branch already exists in the distant repo, you may have to pull the repo to see it in your local repo. Then before making your changes you may have to switch to this branch.

Now if you want to create a new branch do it in your local repo and commit your changes. Then push all the changes to the distant repo. (depending on your git provider, the push of branches may be available, usually that’s the default behavior.)

Oh, sorry about that. I thought it would be JMonkey related because I was using the JMonkey interface for the git push and pull. I knew about the general process for pushing and pulling, just didn’t know about pulling so JMonkey could see the branch. It works thanks to that though, so thank you for replying

@machspeeds said: Oh, sorry about that. I thought it would be JMonkey related because I was using the JMonkey interface for the git push and pull. I knew about the general process for pushing and pulling, just didn't know about pulling so JMonkey could see the branch. It works thanks to that though, so thank you for replying
No worries. The SDK uses the standard netbeans Git support, that's why it's not really related to JME.