Github master branch working?

In general, the Image class is not designed to be extended. You can paint onto an Image by using the jME3 ImageRaster class which is designed for that purpose.

Make sure the textures that are using the PaintableImage have mip-mapping disabled - there was some changes in mip-map handling in jME3.1 which might be causing issues in this case.

Yeah, itā€™s resent automatically every frame. I rely on this a lot in many of my setups. (In fact, all material parameters are resent every frame whether they change or notā€¦ which weā€™ve talked about fixing but even if we do, Iā€™ll add back in a way to have these live-update parameters because itā€™s too useful not to have.)

Didnā€™t know that, but Iā€™ll check it out and switch to that class if it is has the same features. Maybe you should consider making the Image class final, if you donā€™t want ppl to extend it :wink:

Thanks for the hint. Iā€™ll make sure I donā€™t have mip-mapping enabled. For now I switched back to JME 3.0 and secured the changes I made in a git branch.

Good to know, maybe Iā€™ll use that then instead of an image. Itā€™s always nice if there is a means of not having you to update the parameters by yourself on every frame.