Github Plugins + Automated Plugin Submissions!

@jayfella said: Sorry for the confusion; Currently the submissions are serving as a test to ensure the procedure works and is solid. It does not currently list the plugins in the plugin list. Once the testing is over, all submitted plugins will get in the list as expected - without the need to re-submit.
Ok, lets wait then!

Is this still in development?

We just needs plugin submissions to test it. So far we have only received one submission - insufficient data to torture test. Would be very grateful to those that submit one so we can get it finished <3

Submit here:

Well I finally stopped procrastinating about releasing my first proper plugin and submitted it. The submit process was very smooth! I only hope I got the project structure right.

My plugin is actually in two plugins. The runtime plugin (GitHub - rockfireredmoon/jME3-Iceloader-plugin: Remote Asset Loading, Caching and Encryption Library for JME3), and an Ant tool (GitHub - rockfireredmoon/jME3-Iceloader-Ant-plugin: Ant task for encrypting and indexing assets for Iceloader).


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thank you very much :slight_smile:

@jayfella said: thank you very much :)

:slight_smile: Course.

I’ve actually been working on this today and will be commiting changes to Github soon. I wanted to reduce the number of 3rd party dependencies, so have separated these and the code that needs them into a 3rd plugin “Iceloader-Ext”. However, there are still 2 deps needed for the 2 main modules.

The version currently in Github adds these as wrapped jars within the module itself. From what I read though, this is not really the right way to do it, so I have created two separate wrapper modules.

The two modules are “Apache Commons VFS 2” and bizarrely a module for the Ant runtime (I just could not find a module provided by the SDK that contains this??).

So my question is, do I need to submit those two modules as well? I’m guessing the answer will be “of course!”, but I wondered if there are any special rules for wrapper modules for 3rd party libraries that don’t already exist in Netbeans, but may be useful to others?

Hi @jayfella, any updates? Is this still in development?
