Greedy meshing for complex voxel data

Hi all,

I recently added a greedy meshing implementation to my voxel engine - which you can see in action right here:[video][/video]

Since greedy meshing is tricky enough - and I haven’t seen an implementation around that accounts for comparison of varying face and vertex attributes during meshing, as well as just simple voxel type attributes - I thought I’d share my implementation.

For anyone who’s interested, I’ve posted a jMonkey project with a sample mesh on my GitHub, right here:

And the code of just the mesher is right here:


package mygame;

import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type;
import com.jme3.system.AppSettings;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;


  • This is a Java greedy meshing implementation based on the javascript implementation

  • written by Mikola Lysenko and described in this blog post:


  • The principal changes are:

    • Porting to Java
    • Modification in order to compare voxel faces, rather than voxels themselves
    • Modification to provide for comparison based on multiple attributes simultaneously
  • This class is ready to be used on the JMonkey platform - but the algorithm should be

  • usable in any case.

  • @author Rob O’Leary
    public class Main extends SimpleApplication {


    • In this test each voxel has a size of one world unit - in reality a voxel engine
    • might have larger voxels - and there’s a multiplication of the vertex coordinates
    • below to account for this.
      private static final int VOXEL_SIZE = 1;


    • These are the chunk dimensions - it may not be the case in every voxel engine that
    • the data is rendered in chunks - but this demo assumes so. Anyway the chunk size is
    • just used to populate the sample data array. Also, in reality the chunk size will likely
    • be larger - for example, in my voxel engine chunks are 16x16x16 - but the small size
    • here allows for a simple demostration.
      private static final int CHUNK_WIDTH = 3;
      private static final int CHUNK_HEIGHT = 3;


    • This is a 3D array of sample data - I’m using voxel faces here because I’m returning
    • the same data for each face in this example - but calls to the getVoxelFace function below
    • will return variations on voxel data per face in a real engine. For example, in my system
    • each voxel has a type, temperature, humidity, etc - which are constant across all faces, and
    • then attributes like sunlight, artificial light which face per face or even per vertex.
      private final VoxelFace [][][] voxels = new VoxelFace [CHUNK_WIDTH][CHUNK_HEIGHT][CHUNK_WIDTH];


    • These are just constants to keep track of which face we’re dealing with - their actual
    • values are unimportantly - only that they’re constant.
      private static final int SOUTH = 0;
      private static final int NORTH = 1;
      private static final int EAST = 2;
      private static final int WEST = 3;
      private static final int TOP = 4;
      private static final int BOTTOM = 5;


    • This class is used to encapsulate all information about a single voxel face. Any number of attributes can be

    • included - and the equals function will be called in order to compare faces. This is important because it

    • allows different faces of the same voxel to be merged based on varying attributes.

    • Each face can contain vertex data - for example, int[] sunlight, in order to compare vertex attributes.

    • Since it’s optimal to combine greedy meshing with face culling, I have included a “transparent” attribute here

    • and the mesher skips transparent voxel faces. The getVoxelData function below - or whatever it’s equivalent

    • might be when this algorithm is used in a real engine - could set the transparent attribute on faces based

    • on whether they should be visible or not.
      class VoxelFace {

      public boolean transparent;
      public int type;
      public int side;

      public boolean equals(final VoxelFace face) { return face.transparent == this.transparent && face.type == this.type; }


    • This is just the main function used to start the demo on JMonkey.

    • @param args
      public static void main(String[] args) {

      final Main app = new Main();
      app.settings = new AppSettings(true);
      app.settings.setResolution(1280, 720);



    • This is an initialization function used here to set up the sample voxel data

    • and launch the greedy meshing.
      public void simpleInitApp() {

      VoxelFace face;

      for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_WIDTH; i++) {

       for (int j = 0; j &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT; j++) {
           for (int k = 0; k &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT; k++) {
               if (i &gt; CHUNK_WIDTH/2 &amp;&amp; i &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH*0.75 &amp;&amp; 
                   j &gt; CHUNK_HEIGHT/2 &amp;&amp; j &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT*0.75 &amp;&amp; 
                   k &gt; CHUNK_HEIGHT/2 &amp;&amp; k &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT*0.75) {
                    * We add a set of voxels of type 1 at the top-right of the chunk.
                   face = new VoxelFace();
                   face.type = 1;
                    * To see an example of face culling being used in combination with 
                    * greedy meshing, you could set the trasparent attribute to true.

// face.transparent = true;

                } else if (i == 0) {

                     * We add a set of voxels of type 2 on the left of the chunk. 
                    face = new VoxelFace();
                    face.type = 2;
                } else {

                     * And the rest are set to type 3.
                    face = new VoxelFace();
                    face.type = 3;
                voxels[i][j][k] = face;

     * And now that the sample data is prepared, we launch the greedy meshing.

void greedy() {

     * These are just working variables for the algorithm - almost all taken 
     * directly from Mikola Lysenko's javascript implementation.
    int i, j, k, l, w, h, u, v, n, side = 0;
    final int[] x = new int []{0,0,0};
    final int[] q = new int []{0,0,0};
    final int[] du = new int[]{0,0,0}; 
    final int[] dv = new int[]{0,0,0};         
     * We create a mask - this will contain the groups of matching voxel faces 
     * as we proceed through the chunk in 6 directions - once for each face.
    final VoxelFace[] mask = new VoxelFace [CHUNK_WIDTH * CHUNK_HEIGHT];
     * These are just working variables to hold two faces during comparison.
    VoxelFace voxelFace, voxelFace1;

     * We start with the lesser-spotted boolean for-loop (also known as the old flippy floppy). 
     * The variable backFace will be TRUE on the first iteration and FALSE on the second - this allows 
     * us to track which direction the indices should run during creation of the quad.
     * This loop runs twice, and the inner loop 3 times - totally 6 iterations - one for each 
     * voxel face.
    for (boolean backFace = true, b = false; b != backFace; backFace = backFace &amp;&amp; b, b = !b) { 

         * We sweep over the 3 dimensions - most of what follows is well described by Mikola Lysenko 
         * in his post - and is ported from his Javascript implementation.  Where this implementation 
         * diverges, I've added commentary.
        for(int d = 0; d &lt; 3; d++) {

            u = (d + 1) % 3; 
            v = (d + 2) % 3;

            x[0] = 0;
            x[1] = 0;
            x[2] = 0;

            q[0] = 0;
            q[1] = 0;
            q[2] = 0;
            q[d] = 1;

             * Here we're keeping track of the side that we're meshing.
            if (d == 0)      { side = backFace ? WEST   : EAST;  }
            else if (d == 1) { side = backFace ? BOTTOM : TOP;   }
            else if (d == 2) { side = backFace ? SOUTH  : NORTH; }                

             * We move through the dimension from front to back
            for(x[d] = -1; x[d] &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH;) {

                 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
                 *   We compute the mask
                 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
                n = 0;

                for(x[v] = 0; x[v] &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT; x[v]++) {

                    for(x[u] = 0; x[u] &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH; x[u]++) {

                         * Here we retrieve two voxel faces for comparison.
                        voxelFace  = (x[d] &gt;= 0 )             ? getVoxelFace(x[0], x[1], x[2], side)                      : null;
                        voxelFace1 = (x[d] &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH - 1) ? getVoxelFace(x[0] + q[0], x[1] + q[1], x[2] + q[2], side) : null;

                         * Note that we're using the equals function in the voxel face class here, which lets the faces 
                         * be compared based on any number of attributes.
                         * Also, we choose the face to add to the mask depending on whether we're moving through on a backface or not.
                        mask[n++] = ((voxelFace != null &amp;&amp; voxelFace1 != null &amp;&amp; voxelFace.equals(voxelFace1))) 
                                    ? null 
                                    : backFace ? voxelFace1 : voxelFace;


                 * Now we generate the mesh for the mask
                n = 0;

                for(j = 0; j &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT; j++) {

                    for(i = 0; i &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH;) {

                        if(mask[n] != null) {

                             * We compute the width
                            for(w = 1; i + w &lt; CHUNK_WIDTH &amp;&amp; mask[n + w] != null &amp;&amp; mask[n + w].equals(mask[n]); w++) {}

                             * Then we compute height
                            boolean done = false;

                            for(h = 1; j + h &lt; CHUNK_HEIGHT; h++) {

                                for(k = 0; k &lt; w; k++) {

                                    if(mask[n + k + h * CHUNK_WIDTH] == null || !mask[n + k + h * CHUNK_WIDTH].equals(mask[n])) { done = true; break; }

                                if(done) { break; }

                             * Here we check the "transparent" attribute in the VoxelFace class to ensure that we don't mesh 
                             * any culled faces.
                            if (!mask[n].transparent) {
                                 * Add quad
                                x[u] = i;  
                                x[v] = j;

                                du[0] = 0;
                                du[1] = 0;
                                du[2] = 0;
                                du[u] = w;

                                dv[0] = 0;
                                dv[1] = 0;
                                dv[2] = 0;
                                dv[v] = h;

                                 * And here we call the quad function in order to render a merged quad in the scene.
                                 * We pass mask[n] to the function, which is an instance of the VoxelFace class containing 
                                 * all the attributes of the face - which allows for variables to be passed to shaders - for 
                                 * example lighting values used to create ambient occlusion.
                                quad(new Vector3f(x[0],                 x[1],                   x[2]), 
                                     new Vector3f(x[0] + du[0],         x[1] + du[1],           x[2] + du[2]), 
                                     new Vector3f(x[0] + du[0] + dv[0], x[1] + du[1] + dv[1],   x[2] + du[2] + dv[2]), 
                                     new Vector3f(x[0] + dv[0],         x[1] + dv[1],           x[2] + dv[2]), 

                             * We zero out the mask
                            for(l = 0; l &lt; h; ++l) {

                                for(k = 0; k &lt; w; ++k) { mask[n + k + l * CHUNK_WIDTH] = null; }

                             * And then finally increment the counters and continue
                            i += w; 
                            n += w;

                        } else {


 * This function returns an instance of VoxelFace containing the attributes for 
 * one side of a voxel.  In this simple demo we just return a value from the 
 * sample data array.  However, in an actual voxel engine, this function would 
 * check if the voxel face should be culled, and set per-face and per-vertex 
 * values as well as voxel values in the returned instance.
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @param z
 * @param face
 * @return 
VoxelFace getVoxelFace(final int x, final int y, final int z, final int side) {

    VoxelFace voxelFace = voxels[x][y][z];
    voxelFace.side = side;

    return voxelFace;

 * This function renders a single quad in the scene. This quad may represent many adjacent voxel 
 * faces - so in order to create the illusion of many faces, you might consider using a tiling 
 * function in your voxel shader. For this reason I've included the quad width and height as parameters.
 * For example, if your texture coordinates for a single voxel face were 0 - 1 on a given axis, they should now 
 * be 0 - width or 0 - height. Then you can calculate the correct texture coordinate in your fragement 
 * shader using coord.xy = fract(coord.xy). 
 * @param bottomLeft
 * @param topLeft
 * @param topRight
 * @param bottomRight
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @param voxel
 * @param backFace 
void quad(final Vector3f bottomLeft, 
          final Vector3f topLeft, 
          final Vector3f topRight, 
          final Vector3f bottomRight,
          final int width,
          final int height,
          final VoxelFace voxel, 
          final boolean backFace) {

    final Vector3f [] vertices = new Vector3f[4];

    vertices[2] = topLeft.multLocal(VOXEL_SIZE);
    vertices[3] = topRight.multLocal(VOXEL_SIZE);
    vertices[0] = bottomLeft.multLocal(VOXEL_SIZE);
    vertices[1] = bottomRight.multLocal(VOXEL_SIZE);
    final int [] indexes = backFace ? new int[] { 2,0,1, 1,3,2 } : new int[]{ 2,3,1, 1,0,2 };
    final float[] colorArray = new float[4*4];
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; colorArray.length; i+=4) {
         * Here I set different colors for quads depending on the "type" attribute, just 
         * so that the different groups of voxels can be clearly seen.
        if (voxel.type == 1) {
            colorArray[i]   = 1.0f;
            colorArray[i+1] = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+2] = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+3] = 1.0f;                
        } else if (voxel.type == 2) {
            colorArray[i]   = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+1] = 1.0f;
            colorArray[i+2] = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+3] = 1.0f;
        } else {
            colorArray[i]   = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+1] = 0.0f;
            colorArray[i+2] = 1.0f;
            colorArray[i+3] = 1.0f;                
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
    mesh.setBuffer(Type.Position, 3, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertices));
    mesh.setBuffer(Type.Color,    4, colorArray);
    mesh.setBuffer(Type.Index,    3, BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(indexes));
    Geometry geo = new Geometry("ColoredMesh", mesh);
    Material mat = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
    mat.setBoolean("VertexColor", true);

     * To see the actual rendered quads rather than the wireframe, just comment outthis line.





Awesomeness =D

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That’s nice, have you thought about releasing it as a plugin, or even seeing if it can be added to the existing cubes framework plugin?

That is awesome, why is it called ‘greedy’ though?
By the way, I must say those graphics are simply amazing.

that’s pretty cool :slight_smile: congrats

Thanks all!

have you thought about releasing it as a plugin, or even seeing if it can be added to the existing cubes framework plugin?

I haven’t - but I’d be more than happy for it to be integrated!

why is it called ‘greedy’ though?

Because the premise is to start at a corner, then munch munch munch voxels horizontally until you meet one that’s different, and then munch munch munch vertically… So you’re consuming as much as possible in order to produce large quads - hence, greedy! I didn’t name it though - it’s based on an implementation by Mikola Lysenko - who (as far as I know) came up with the idea - his post about it is right here: .meshing in a minecraft game

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How does this deal with vertex lighting and such? Or do you still have to have splits where vertex values are different?

When I looked at an idea like this a couple years ago, that’s the part I couldn’t get past. At least in Mythruna, the runs of quads that could take advantage of this didn’t seem worth the expense of computing it. A shame, too.

How does this deal with vertex lighting and such? Or do you still have to have splits where vertex values are different?

If the vertex lighting values don’t match, the faces won’t merge - though where they do match you get a single strip - so there’s still a large decrease in the vertex count.

On structures like trees there’s very little gain - though on terrain or regular structures like buildings there’s a huge reduction in vertices - at least from my experiments. On water surfaces or stretches of desert, of course, the meshes are pretty much optimal - though then you lose the chance for nice choppy vertex waves and the like - so I guess there are compromises.

For me, I was sweeping through chunks and calculating voxel face visibilities anyway - so I’m doing the same amount of iteration over chunk data during meshing - and meshing speed seems about the same as before. Though, since this is a rewrite of an existing sub-system, there’s bound to be performance gains also from just going through the whole thing again.

As you can see, there’s a lot of successfully merged quads in the terrain - anyways in the kinds of terrains I’m generating.

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The only thing that drives me away from voxel-based games is the fact that “the game that shall not be named” pretty much owned every aspect, and whatever it didnt own, feed-the-beast pretty much did. Its really hard to differentiate yourself from it, at least I’ve not seen anybody, nor can I summon any idea, on how to do it.

Having said that, you have some really cool stuff going on there. Kudos.

Do you also use a texture atlas? If so, how do you deal with repeating textures over the larger surfaces?

(I don’t use a texture atlas, at least not yet, but I’ve been trying to keep it in mind as an optimization I can make later.)

Yep, I’m using a texture atlas - though therein lies my new constraint.

If I cut textures completely I can push out the view distance to far, far - 16 chunks of 16x16x16 from where the camera is - so pretty much as far as you could reasonably see anyway - long rolling landscapes and still 50-60fps, providing I stretch out the terrain a fair amount and limit the tree count (like in the image above). I’m using a laptop with a decent i7 processor, but a fairly middling graphics card - an Nvidia 740m.

For the texture atlas I’ve got images aligned along the y-axis - 256x256px, and then 128, 64, etc in columns, left to right. So then I calculate the distance from the camera in the vertex shader - which I’m doing anyway to cut some fancy effects at distance - and use that to scale and offset the texture coordinates.

In the vertex shader I set the texture coordinates before scaling to be:


float sideCoord = textureHeight * (atlasHeight - textureOffset);

if (vertexOffset == BOTTOM_LEFT) {

    textureCoordinate = vec2(0, sideCoord + (quadHeight * textureHeight));

} else if (vertexOffset == BOTTOM_RIGHT) {

    textureCoordinate = vec2(quadWidth, sideCoord + (quadHeight * textureHeight));

} else if (vertexOffset == TOP_LEFT) {

    textureCoordinate = vec2(0, sideCoord);

} else if (vertexOffset == TOP_RIGHT) {
    textureCoordinate = vec2(quadWidth, sideCoord);


Where atlasHeight is the number of square textures along the y-axis in the atlas, textureHeight is the 1/atlasHeight, and textureOffset is the vertical offset of the texture in the atlas.

Then, in the fragment shader I have:


texCoordinate.x = fract(texCoordinate.x);
texCoordinate.y = sideCoord + mod(texCoordinate.y, textureHeight);


The problem, of course, is that this is a lot of work to be doing in the shaders to calculate texture offsets - and then, the pixel shader is using calculated texture coordinates, which isn’t great.

I originally put those vertex calculations on the GPU side because my constraint was traffic on the vertices - but now, since I have less vertices, I figure I can afford to set the texture coordinates in a buffer - though they’ll still have to be scaled for distance in the shader.

Then I guess I’ll see how costly the calculations in the fragment shader really are - if they’re too much I’ll either have to cut textures and go for a more Vox type look (which I like, but isn’t really what I want for this engine), or think of something else - maybe my whole approach to texturing is inefficient in some way I’ve yet to understand!


Well, this gives me hope, anyway. “mod(texCoordinate.y, textureHeight);”

When I did this before, I got noticeable seams but a) I couldn’t explain it, and b) I didn’t spend much time investigating.

Mythruna’s max clip is 192 which is considerably shorter than your target 256… I’d be curious to know how well it runs on a machine like yours.

Thanks for the info, though. Gives me something to hold in the back of my head for that round of optimizations.

I’d be curious to know how well it runs on a machine like yours.

I gave it a try!

It’s pretty clear the graphics card is letting down the processor - if you’re indoors, mostly looking at walls, it flys along at 80-100fps. If you’re out and about, it depends on how far your view is. If you’re at the very top of a hill looking out over as much terrain as you can find, it can get down to 25-40fps - mostly around 30. Then I can stand down by the water and take in the full view of the castle and nearby hills at a nice and steady 60fps. Maybe it depends on what kind of terrain I’m looking at - but in any case it never lags. You wouldn’t notice any framerate variation if you didn’t have the number on screen.

I’ve been pushing back as much texture calculation as possible from the shaders - and it’s speeding up - though there’s still the question of correctly calculating the texture size to use when you’re looking at a large merged quad that has vertices at large enough distances that the texture size should be different… Pff.

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@roleary said: I gave it a try!

It’s pretty clear the graphics card is letting down the processor - if you’re indoors, mostly looking at walls, it flys along at 80-100fps. If you’re out and about, it depends on how far your view is. If you’re at the very top of a hill looking out over as much terrain as you can find, it can get down to 25-40fps - mostly around 30. Then I can stand down by the water and take in the full view of the castle and nearby hills at a nice and steady 60fps. Maybe it depends on what kind of terrain I’m looking at - but in any case it never lags. You wouldn’t notice any framerate variation if you didn’t have the number on screen.

I’ve been pushing back as much texture calculation as possible from the shaders - and it’s speeding up - though there’s still the question of correctly calculating the texture size to use when you’re looking at a large merged quad that has vertices at large enough distances that the texture size should be different… Pff.

Thanks for trying it and reporting back.

for what its worth @pspeed, I tried mythrunia about a month back and it never dropped below 300fps. Running an i7 2600k @ 4.5GHz, 16GB RAM, ati 7970 3GB. Runs like a dream on high-spec machines. CPU runs out of steam before the graphics card does, as I guess you are already aware.

@jayfella said: for what its worth @pspeed, I tried mythrunia about a month back and it never dropped below 300fps. Running an i7 2600k @ 4.5GHz, 16GB RAM, ati 7970 3GB. Runs like a dream on high-spec machines. CPU runs out of steam before the graphics card does, as I guess you are already aware.

It does depend on the card but that’s nice to know. Thanks.

@pspeed said: Well, this gives me hope, anyway. "mod(texCoordinate.y, textureHeight);"

When I did this before, I got noticeable seams but a) I couldn’t explain it, and b) I didn’t spend much time investigating.

Hell yes, I tried this 2 years ago, and could not find a solution (I even tried to implement a blending into the shader and it still was noticable)

Any chance you @pspeed use a Amd and @roleary uses a Nvidia?

I’m using an Nvidia alright - though I’m also wrapping a texture atlas, and doing the mip-mapping manually - I wonder if that makes the difference. For what it’s worth, I have my textures set to:





And then I calculate the atlas offsets based on the distance, and wrap on both axes with an offset+modulus. It seems to work fine - though there remains the problem of correctly choosing the texture size for large quads (which I guess I’ll just work out by using the centroid of the quad rather than the vertex coordinates) - and of course, I don’t have an Amd just now to try it with.

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@Empire Phoenix said: Hell yes, I tried this 2 years ago, and could not find a solution (I even tried to implement a blending into the shader and it still was noticable)

Any chance you @pspeed use a Amd and @roleary uses a Nvidia?

It’s not that I’m an nVidia fanboy… it’s that I’m an ATI anti-fanboy. :slight_smile:

…and a little of an nvidia fanboy. All of my cards are nvidia.