guiFont, viewPort not accessible from classes?


I’m having trouble accessing guiFont and viewPort from classes. Here is the example from the guiFont


import com.jme3.font.BitmapText;

public class GUI {

private Main gamePointer;

//protected BitmapText hintText;

GUI(Main game) {

gamePointer = game;



private void createCrossHair(){

BitmapText ch = new BitmapText(gamePointer.guiFont, false); //Here it says the guiFont has protected access

ch.setSize(guiFont.getCharSet().getRenderedSize() * 2);

ch.setText("+"); // crosshairs

ch.setLocalTranslation( // center

settings.getWidth() / 2 - guiFont.getCharSet().getRenderedSize() / 3 * 2,

settings.getHeight() / 2 + ch.getLineHeight() / 2, 0);





BitmapText ch = new BitmapText(gamePointer.guiFont, false); //Here it says the guiFont has protected access

anybody knows what I’m doing wrong or how to solve this? :slight_smile:

Thx in advance

In java you normally dont access fields from outside the object, you use getters and setters. So create a getGuiFont and setGuiFont method (jMP can do that for you, just right-click the field, select “Refactor…” then “Encapsulate Field”.