Yes, during the last 12 plus hours I have scoured the entirety of the website I even found where the original tutorial Importing Animations from Blender 2.62 using ogre XML: Things to check if you are getting problems
I don’t want to come off sounding like a complete idiot(at the moment that is what I am though). But what you linked doesn’t help at all. In the original post I said I know next to nothing about blender or OgreXml, I also said I looked through the forum. I linked a bunch of models that I have tried to export from blender and import to jme3. If anyone can download any 1 of the models, get it imported into jme3, or exported from blender in the right format and tell me step by step how to go about doing this so that I can learn it. It would be like teaching a starving man how to fish instead of giving him a fish, because right now I am starving for knowledge.