How can we help JME

hehe, i’ve heard in the Iphone 8 they are removing the phone feature. Who needs that anyway?

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I try to help to jME developing my editor :slight_smile:


They’ve never been wrong… :slight_smile:

How many buttons do their mice have these days? :smiley:

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Was it one? Can’t imagine how would one work with it. I’ve never owned an Apple product, just briefly used some on rare occasions. I do like their new wireless earphones :slight_smile: But they’ll probably get away with it too, even without Steve.

Well the Macbook has one key aswell but the Touchpad recognizes how many fingers clicked on the button.
A Rightclick is simply a two finger click. Takes to get used to but once you are familar you can use the whole touchpad space and come from a different angle to rightclick

In PC world they’ve also seemed to obsolete the scroll area in touch pads. Now scrolling with 2 fingers, and what happens to me always is scrolling & zooming… My fingers are too fat to dial…

The first thing I do is turn off the f-ing touch pad. So much fun to be typing and accidentally lay your hand on it. Never got used to them. Back on one old company-issued laptop we used to tape our business cards over them because for some reason we couldn’t shut them off.

My understanding is that Mac mice used to have just one button. And it wasn’t fancy back then. Just a button. Reason “More than one button is too complicated for users”… which always made me imagine a Mac user somehow bringing his foot up to try to use the second button with his toe or something.

Now my brain is so hardwired with the scroll wheel that if I scroll it and nothing moves I get a little queasy.

Edit: that being said… I’m not really a laptop user. First thing I do whenever I can is dock the damned thing and use the big monitor + keyboard + mouse.

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We are the dying breed :slight_smile:

Stable means it will not unexpectedly blow up the universe… at least it is not an expected feature. If that happens it will be corrected in the following versions updates.

I hear what you are saying but it’s a lot more stable than you think. I’ve been using it on 3.0.10 for a while (18 months) with no problems whatsoever. With the rebuilt Avian it’s almost works as well on 3.1.

My app upgraded fine except for sound. Everything else is fine that I can see after a few hours of regression testing.

I would say its a massive shame more has not been focussed on IOS because it’s a major feature that is not being exploited. Ive evaluated ROBO VM and Codename One and both attract a fee and in my opinion are much more limited than cross compiling with Avian.

Cross platform support finalised and launched officially would open the platform much more and give Unity a run it’s money.

How do we make it happen?

Try to use the most basic java api for playing sound.
If that works, see what jme does wrong (maybe even see the changes since 3.0 to the Sound related stuff)
If that doesn’t work, contact the Avian Team, they’re awesome.