How to increese how far the camera can see/render?


I would like to know how I can increese the lenght of the render that my camera renders.

Because I got this skybox, but if u look at the edges u see it gets cut of by a black sphere it seems.

How do I fix this?

Also, do you know any good water tutorial?

Because I have been searching for ages for one :stuck_out_tongue:

Addez said:

I would like to know how I can increese the lenght of the render that my camera renders.
Because I got this skybox, but if u look at the edges u see it gets cut of by a black sphere it seems.
How do I fix this?

This code shows an example of how I have one of mine set up.  The third and fourth parameters of setFrustumPerspective() are the near and far clipping planes, respectively.  (I'm using the measurement system but it's not required.. You could simply put .5f and 30

float aspect = (float) DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem().getWidth() /DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem().getHeight();
camera.setFrustumPerspective( 45.0f, aspect, new Foot(.5f).convertToFloat(), new Kilometer(30).convertToFloat());

Addez said:

Also, do you know any good water tutorial?
Because I have been searching for ages for one :P

The best tutorials are in the jmetest packages ;)  Unless you're using StandardGame, then it can be a bit tricky.  If you are in need, I can help you with water+standardgame, otherwise the jmetests are dirt simple

Thanks book :slight_smile: It works!


But jmetests, how come I'v never heard of em…

Where can I get them?

Addez said:

But jmetests, how come I'v never heard of em..
Where can I get them?

Ah sir, you're missing out :)  Did you checkout the SVN version of jME or use downloaded jar's?  If you're using the svn, look in jme/src/jmetest to find a treasure chest!

If you aren't using it, here's a guide on how to set it up (choose your IDE):

My friend, Your such a help to me  :smiley:

Thank you very much yet again! !)