I have a problem with the scene

Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum and I want to learn jMonkey.

But the problem is that when I run the application, the following window appears:


And the OpenGL window is empty:


So, I dont know what I have to do.

Could anyone help me?

Thank you very much in advance.

Update your graphic card driver!

I already have, and I still get the same error.

Thanks, let’s see if I can solve that error. :smiley:

It seems your card doesn’t support pbuffers so the awt panels fail, the “heavyweight canvas” might solve your issue.

@normen: First of all, he’s not using AWT panels. The issue happens with the off scene panels jMP itself is creating.

Second, it has nothing to do with pbuffers, as mentioned before, they are not used either.

@daniel: There’s some error printed in the log, perhaps you can get it for us?

@Momoko_Fan said:
First of all, he's not using AWT panels. The issue happens with the off scene panels jMP itself is creating.

There is no offscene panels when you start the SDK and how do you know he disabled the (default) use of AWT panels?