Import jgoodies library

I trying to bring in a class from Eclipse that was built with WindowBuilder and imports jgoodies classes.
“import com.jgoodies.forms.factories.FormFactory;”

From the Project Properties tabs I’ve added various forms of the folder path, and I’ve tried different forms of the path in the import statement.

I can’t seem to make sense of the how the SDK finds resources in the Library. For instance, HelloAssets imports
“import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;”
which I find in
“Libraries/jme-libraries - vecmath.jar/javax.vecmath/Vector3f.class”

Can anyone direct me to a resource that explains how the Libraries are structured or how to import external library folders?

Project tree…
Right click on Libraries…
Click “Add jar file” or whatever.

Where are you looking?

And press F1 in the SDK for instructions and a manual.

Yes, I tried that with several versions of the path
C:\Users\Eugene\Java Work\jgoodies-forms-1.4.2\src\core\com\jgoodies\forms\factories
C:\Users\Eugene\Java Work\jgoodies-forms-1.4.2\src\core\com\jgoodies
C:\Users\Eugene\Java Work\jgoodies-forms-1.4.2\src\core\com
Those all appear as subfolders of Libraries
If I expand the file tree, is there.

If I expand the file tree, is there.

That would be where the JAVA files are. You need to point to where the CLASS files are. Easier if they are jarred but if not then you need to point to the directory that contains “com”.

It would be worth learning Java before continuing Java game development. I would have thought setting up a classpath was beginner stuff, really.

Well, adding sources to the Libraries won’t help you, obviously you have to add a compiled jar file or a folder of compiled classes.

Thanks, that helps. That answered a lot of questions and I was able to resolve the import reference.

@pspeed said: It would be worth learning Java before continuing Java game development. I would have thought setting up a classpath was beginner stuff, really.

For some reason adding the whole source tree of a library inside an Eclipse project to another Eclipse project to import that library ocurrs as “normal” to many Eclipse users.

Well lets say not to the ones doing serious work with eclipse since years :slight_smile:
Anyway i would always suggest to use the sdk if you dont already have a preference to eclipse.