I’m using this character.gltf: https://pastebin.com/raw/5s3mEPyK
In the Windows 3D Viewer, on the “stand” animation, it properly shows the body going up and down. In the engine, only the head moves.
I used Heart’s MySpatial::listControls to get the anim composer.
That URL gives a 403 error:
Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation. If this paste belongs to you, please login to Pastebin to view it.
Here is another link: https://minikloon.com/dl/character.gltf
Thanks for the 2nd link.
“stand” is an animation clip with 2 spatial-transform tracks: one for “head” and one for “all”. In the imported model, the “all” track has only one keyframe. I believe some bug in JME’s glTF importer causes missing keyframes in the “all” track.
Edit: I’ve opened an issue at GitHub: https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine/issues/1813