Interesting bug with the Scene Composer

Ok well ive been fooling around with the scene composer ever since i learned how to use it. Sadly i broke it within minutes, a lot of times the composer will not draw terrain correctly. Lights are buggy and sometimes the IDE wont add anything to your scene and will just be in a strange limbo state. After this happens the next time the jmonkeyengine3 splash screen gets stuck at 14% while loading, are there any new fixes for this?

Edit: I literally have to uninstall and then do a complete reinstall of the IDE or else the SceneViewer will never load again

Can you be more specific? What version are you using? Did you update to latest nightly? How do the scenes you create look when you use them in an application? Have you updated you graphics card drivers to the latest version? What OS are you using? What do you do when you “break” the SceneComposer? Do you detach the SceneViewer window from the main window? Do you have a warning sign show up in the lower right corner when that happens?

What version are you using?

JmonkeyEngine3 Alpha 3 -nightly svn

Did you update to latest nightly?


How do the scenes you create look when you use them in an application?

For instance sometimes i will attempt to make a terrain. After i run through the wizard nothing appears, regardless if the light button is clicked on your not. ( i have also added lights to the scene to make a difference ) Somtimes it doesn this, sometimes it doesnt

Have you updated you graphics card drivers to the latest version?

Yes, After the first time i got the 14% error I went and updated my graphics card which fixed that problem.

What OS are you using?

Windows 7

What do you do when you “break” the SceneComposer?

I’m sorry i meant Scene Viewer…Sometimes I’m really not sure how ti gets broken other times if im editing a scene and close the project it will also close the Scene Viewer, which will also cause the error

Do you detach the SceneViewer window from the main window?

No i do not, is that something i am suppose to do?

Do you have a warning sign show up in the lower right corner when that happens?

No i get no warnings or errors. The scene will simply stop doing what i ask, i can still navigate in it but nothing will be created or can be destroyed

If you would like i can even just take a quick video of how i crash it after my next reinstall

Well first of all the terrain editor is just about working… There are some known bugs still and generally you cant expect it to work 100% properly yet.

You dont have to detach the SceneViewer window, I just wanted to know if you maybe did.

The warning sign is a small red sign in the lower right, not some kind of popup window. The fact that you say you can still navigate the scene hints that the scene didn’t crash but some other error happened. In any instance the SceneViewer window should never close.

Another interesting scene viewer bug…apparently the skybox from the sceneviewer splash screen decided it wants to hang out in my new scene as shown here

The terrain is there, when i go to wireframe view i get this:

All of this happens when you use terrain, right?

Yeap whenever i try to use terrain

Does the Application output (Windows->Output) display a shader compilation error (you see it pretty plainly, it writes the whole shader source to the error output)

I scrolled through the output and i noticed this

Material parameter m_Color uses a deprecated naming convention use Color instead

FYI, i never wrote a single piece of code yet

…so you dont even know how it looks in an application… Anyway, the terrain editor is not done yet, jst stop crashing your jMP with it :stuck_out_tongue:

is there another way to create a scene file or something in another program or through code? the ability to have a legitimate scene is really nice

Just dont add terrain.