Issues importing GLTF models into Blender from Unreal

I am working on importing a model and its animations into Blender. I found this video on the subject and have been following it. It was easier that I thought it would be. But I have some issues importing the files into Blender.

Here is a screenshot of the model in Unreal I am trying to import into Blender.

A screenshot of one of the animation files in Unreal

The GLTF export options in Unreal.

Blender import settings

The model once I impot it in Blender

I found out that Export Vertex Skin Weights option was causing the problem because “If your mesh has complex skinning, Blender might struggle with it.”. so I disabled the option and the problem is gone. However Unreal wont allow exporting animation files with this option disabled. So I need to find out what the issue is so I can get this working.

I have tried importing FBX files instead of GLTF and ran into the same problem except its not bumps that appear. I did find out that in Viewport Overlays there is a Bones option and when I uncheck that option the problem disappears.

I also think I got the animations correct. If I get the import problem working will this work?

The problem is the animations dont play on the model they play on the white one. So I think I’m still missing something. This is importing everything as FBX. The model looks good but the animations not so much.

I think you’d use your time better if you asked in an unreal engine forum.

Try using this method

Easiest Way To Export Metahuman From Unreal Engine 5 to Blender With Animation