JFrame with several Canvases (aka SimpleCanvasImpl objects). Does that work?

Hi folks!


Is it possible to add several Canvases (aka SimpleCanvasImpl classes)

to a JFrame?

Canvas3D canvas3D_1 = new Canvas3D("dog.x3d"); // Canvas3D extends SimpleCanvasImpl
Canvas3D canvas3D_2 = new Canvas3D("cat.x3d");
jframe.getContentPane().add(canvas3D_1); // that works
jframe.getContentPane().add(canvas3D_2); // now it doesn't work any more


Afaik jme2 requires some modifications to run two completely separate scenegraphs/renderers, so probably its not that easy…

normen said:

Afaik jme2 requires some modifications to run two completely separate scenegraphs/renderers, so probably its not that easy..

Thank you. I already thought, it would be like that.

So, what would be best practice to show several
3d models in a SWING GUI?