[jME Game]The jME Game project

I like the enthusiasm of you people, some points to make tho:

Theres not just Runescape, the OpenGL rendering in that game was aimed to work on very low configurations. If you want to look at a Java RPG game take a look at http://www.wurmonline.com/ . It has a very good design idea, although Java-s limits show.

You can try making a simpler (but polished nevertheless) game, board game, or whatever, just keep it in confined space. But, what most of long-term members of the forum are trying to do is some kind of outdoor MMO. If you look at the posts you will see that. Since some of those projects have a common setting (fantasy), they could cooperate before, but they did not. If the 3-4 fantasy RPG makers regularly posting on this board would start a common project and combined their work, that would make sense.

One idea, which i think would be worth having is some kind of framework-MMO. An MMO with proper persistence, into which games can be linked and played "in-game". With a world with story to explore, with possibility to add content and mini-games to play. But that can get complicated.

Wish you success.

EDIT: LLama posted about Wurm while i was writing the post.

Jedimace1 said:

Ok, that might work. I think we will do that. Fine with you Vardamir? I will put it up as that, and if you have a problem can change it.

That's fine with me. Seems to get a rather large project from the beginning, that's cool. So we need to split people up in teams before we even know what we're gonna do :D
I guess we should do this upon the skills of the team members, so we can get results in different areas fast. Then we "only" need to define proper interfaces between those teams.
Looks like this will be lots of fun then.

Mindgamer said:

I think it would be more appropriate if you guys made an entire new forum... and perhaps also webpage.. like the Radakan project...

Like jedimace said, it would be good, if all the discussion happen here. This project should be a reference for the jME and it also should influence jME, and every new community member should be attracted to this game project. So a forum here is the best place.

I'm interested in joining if it's not gonna be an MMO :wink:

I can do both programming and art, you've seen some of my work in the forum.

Sweet, another member. That's 9 now.

There are two things we need:

  1. A working title for that project, other than jME game (that’s too generic)

    2. A place where we can write down all the people that already expressed interest in joining

    I’d say, jedimace1, you edit your first post, and write down there everybody, that wants to join.

    Here a my proposals for a working title:
  2. MonkeyGame
  3. TheGame
  4. NowForSomethingCompletlyDifferent or in short NFSCD

About the names. I'd like to come up with a genre first. The name should relate to it in some way. Also, for number 2, look at my second post. I have been doing that.

About interfaces, I think the AI classes must extend the Controler class like this

"public class SimpleEnemy extends Controller"

and the aguments of the constructors must be Nodes, and put aditional data in the nodes with setUserData method.

So, you can put this AI behavior in any node like

Node enemy;

enemy.addController( new SimpleEnemy(enemy));

A funny action game with the monkey like the main character and some tatical and strategy elements, mission based game. A mix style game it's the future.  We shoud use jmephysics, in my opinion. Think about.

A think that 6 months is a good period, and we can put a goal for each month.

Hey everyone, this is an interesting idea and all but it still going to need a decent stable world Editor for the jme engine before we can really start working on a game. I can do networking by the way if we need it, i have done a decent amount of it in java.

I voted RTS, but I think it can actually be sort of a combination… Either something similar to worms… or some other squad based tactical action…

I must also agree with Alric when he said that making a straight FPS will make standing out very hard - there are graphically very good titles out there. Lets be honest - jME will not be able to match that. As said, the most important thing will be making a game that people will want to play.

Just something about your MMORPG's taking resources. This is from Wurm online:

Game development - Onetoofree AB

Graphics - Sunsplash Creations

Server Programming - Rolf Jansson

Client Programming - Harald Birnbaum

Client Programming - Andreas Wallberg

Client Programming - Egal Holland

Client Programming - Markus Persson

vear said:

One idea, which i think would be worth having is some kind of framework-MMO. An MMO with proper persistence, into which games can be linked and played "in-game". With a world with story to explore, with possibility to add content and mini-games to play. But that can get complicated.

You mean something similar to Playstation Home or Second Live? That's a good idea indeed. A place where all the other games made with jME can be plugged in somehow. So you have a "RPG plaza", with buildings for Radakan or Fyrestone. When you enter that building, you start up that game.

That would be cool.

Given that one of the main reasons for this coming up was that there are hardly any jME games out there, it would seem a tad… superfluous at this point?

Alric said:

Given that one of the main reasons for this coming up was that there are hardly any jME games out there, it would seem a tad... superfluous at this point?

Yes, you are right, so lets forget about that again...for now ;)

Ok, I think we have a good and large enough team to get started. We need to decide a genre. Popular ones seem to be: RTS, "Other"(which splits into many separate ones, I guess that doesn't really count), and FPS. assuming that the MMO ones merge with the non MMO ones. Actually, FPS is the most popular, and I think second is RTS. Which one should we do? FPS or RTS?

Vardamir said:

There are two things we need:

1. A working title for that project, other than jME game (that's too generic)
2. A place where we can write down all the people that already expressed interest in joining
I'd say, jedimace1, you edit your first post, and write down there everybody, that wants to join.

Here a my proposals for a working title:
1. MonkeyGame
2. TheGame
3. NowForSomethingCompletlyDifferent or in short NFSCD

"Attack of the Monkeys!"

"When Monkeys Attack!"

"Super Monkey Kung Fu"


I think the monkey must be the main character. If A monkey is the main character, the game must be an action game.  Maybe a funny fps with some platforms,and in a open map with tropical vegetation instead of in a gray maze. the monkey throw bananas. haha It's possible put some strategy elements too, like a rts.

The game of the future has a mix of styles.

I'd go for an RTS, imho the easiest thing to do, and still with lots of possibilities for the future.

Ok, I think it narrows done to RTS or FPS. I will change the poll, revote.