JME jars compatibility with JDK 1.4?

it looks like jdk 1.4.2 doesnt like precompiled JARs provided by JME. Complains about about invalid signature or something like that – i'm guessing JME was compiled with JDK 1.6? So much for legendary java bytecode portability… :wink:

so i tried to compile Jme source with jdk 1.4.2 but it spat out a million errors. so before i start figuring out why, i thought i'd ask here about java 1.4 support?

(i have a mac laptop with OSX 10.3, which only supports jdk 1.4.2 – cant install 1.5 or 1.6)

current jME versions are 1.5+ only

You might try taking the generated JARs run them through Retroweaver:

That will most likely give you a 1.4 compliant JAR for jME.

retroweaver worked well, however, it looks like JME makes use of java.util.concurrent.*, which is JDK 1.5+

is there a way to create a simple instance of jme app without invoking those? SimpleGame doesnt work.

It would be a tricky but not impossible task (something you're welcome to do locally)…  We use Callable and the like to handle keeping things in the gl thread.

Actually, Retroweaver will do conversion of the concurrent classes to the backport if you include the backport jar in your classpath when you do the conversion (it is included with Retroweaver).  You would then need to have the backport jar in your classpath when executing the jar as well but that should be all the changes necessary.

Thanks Darkfrog!

I got JMESwingTest running now!  :D

darkfrog said:

Actually, Retroweaver will do conversion of the concurrent classes to the backport if you include the backport jar in your classpath when you do the conversion (it is included with Retroweaver).  You would then need to have the backport jar in your classpath when executing the jar as well but that should be all the changes necessary.