JME Source

Just a suggestion:

When I download the release jar for JME there is no sourcecode included.

I know that I could pull it from CVS but I think for developers it would be a lot better to include a source jar to be used with the ide of your choice (I catch myself hitting F3 in eclipse pretty often).

Maybe a solution is to download the source instead

This is labeled "nightly build", which not necessarily what I want as a nightly build by definition can

a) be broken


b) have api changes

If I am using the release candidate or one of the rleeases then I would like to have the sourceocde that release was compiled from and not some nightly build that might be broken.

I tend to agree with you, maybe the devs want to create an offical source release.

We tagged the source 1_0, so it is possible to pull exactly that out.

I know that (and that's where I got my source from) and I don't want to appear lazy but I think for developers in general it would be good thing to have the source with the downloadable package.

I agree with pflanzenmoerder that the release should be shipped with source - in a separate file, at least. jME is an open source project and those usually release with sourceā€¦

This can be hosted this along with the nightly build, if you want to add a link in the main site for the release, point it to this:

It should also be verified that this release is correct.