jME3 and Just Tactics – the Online War Game

The Game We grew up playing tabletop strategy and role-playing games. Battletech and Warhammer 40k were some of our favorites. (…)

[See the full post at:]


This looks awesome! Really nice work.

Looks really nice.

I’m very interested in your particle system changes, IMO our system is quite limited, and would benefit some fundamental changes.

Also about the UserData, you can now use any complex type, it just have to implement Savable.

I can’t argue about the “less good’ part” because they are just plain true :p. But we’re working on it.
There have been huge progress recently in the art import domain, you can now import 3DS and Collada models through the blender “bridge” in the SDK. Maybe maya pipeline to JME could be to export to collada and import in to JME. Not ideal I reckon, but at least you wouldn’t need a commercial export tool.

On the GUI side there has been several quad based UI alternatives to Nifty popping around recently, with very promising features.
Also talking about Nifty, void is working on an optimization of the rendering that would make it a lot faster in JME. I guess he’ll talk about it when the time comes.

About audio…yeah … we’re not too good. I’m not an expert in that matter and I don’t really get what your issue was.

Thank you very much, this kind of feedback is gold.

Beautiful, you should be proud.

Hey , this is nice and interesting , i am more interested into making half life 2 kind of game , did u see it , the sound the lightning ,shadows , etc are so perfect ,story and weapons , extremely well , what we miss in jmonkeyengine from source engine ,


@anshul.katta said: Hey , this is nice and interesting , i am more interested into making half life 2 kind of game , did u see it , the sound the lightning ,shadows , etc are so perfect ,story and weapons , extremely well , what we miss in jmonkeyengine from source engine ,


Thats all assets, I am afraid its your fault and not the engines that your games don’t look like AAA games ^^
The content of this post is meant to be read as a straight information or question without an implicit dismissive stance or interest in having the other party feel offended unless there’s emotes that hint otherwise or there’s an increased use of exclamation marks and all-capital words.

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@anshul.katta Ya. Sorry to burst your bubble but a game engine does not include assets. If you could fork over the several thousand dollars for the Source game engine (The one used for Half Life 2) you’d find that the engine itself has nothing in the way of models, textures, or sounds. You may get some DEMO assets. But the engine itself has nothing. JME is like this in that it says “Here’s a game engine. Do what you wish with it.”. Triple A games like HL2 have literal mountains of assets made by huge teams of graphic artists. It’s 1 reason Indie games tend to be light on the extreme high detail model side. An excellent example would be Minecraft. One of the most popular games out there and the graphics are down right silly retro. Why did Notch do this? Well 1 for style reasons. But 2 I’d say because he’s more of a programmer and less of an artist and when he started he had no budget for any other people.

Just food for thought.

Nice solid game! I like effects and gameplay!