jME3 doesnt work on galaxy nexus?


I got a galaxy nexus and I try to run my game that I was working on earlier.

Problem is I get the error:

04-28 11:05:49.618: E/AndroidRuntime(13266): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{andrew.planetdash/andrew.planetdash.AndroidDashActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: andrew.planetdash.AndroidDashActivity

after getting the warning:
04-28 11:05:49.610: W/dalvikvm(13266): Unable to resolve superclass of Landrew/planetdash/AndroidDashActivity; (20)

I think this might be the lib problem that I read some post about. Problem is, I'm not using the SDK so can that really be the problem?
I downloaded the latest nightly build 04/28 and the problem remains.

This game worked on my previous phone but not on this one, any idea why?

what previous phone did you have? and what OS did it have, does your new one come with android 4.0+?

just trying to get more info, so that more people can help you.

I used desire Z with android 2.3 before.

My galaxy nexus runs on android 4.0.2, maybe that is a problem?

Jme works fine on this phone.

You have a classnotfound on your activity. Check if the package/name is correctly set in the Android manifest

Yes I thought so too. But it doesn’t fix it still…

Here you can see that the package and activity name is correct:

Could this becaused if I were to have multiple programs using same package space?

It doesn’t actually complain about not having my class. It says:

Unable to resolve superclass of Landrew/planetdash/AndroidDashActivity.

I think for some reason there is a problem that causes the AndroidHarness to be excluded from the apk…

Any idea on how to debug this?

I opened the APK and undexed the classes.dex file. There I could only find my own classes and some few

android classes. Shouldn’t androidharness be there somewhere too?

you should have a jme-android.jar file, in your apk…at least if your apk is built correctly.

Your build is probably doing something wrong.

Would it then be compiled into the resources.arsc?

If not then no such jar is in the apk file :confused:

I don’t know, the SDK build does it all pretty well, I don’t know what happens on eclipse and even less in your project.

@Addez said:
It doesn't actually complain about not having my class. It says:
Unable to resolve superclass of Landrew/planetdash/AndroidDashActivity.
I think for some reason there is a problem that causes the AndroidHarness to be excluded from the apk..
Any idea on how to debug this?

Are you still having this problem, or did you figure it out? I think the issue is you need to mark the jME3 libraries as "Exported" in Eclipse's build settings. From the project properties, Java Build Path, Order and Export tab, make sure the checkbox is checked on all the libraries. That lets the Android builder know that it needs to include the contained classes in the APK.
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