jME3 License question

No. I’m not sure which part of this isn’t clear.

YOU CAN SAY: “Made with JME”. Please do. In fact, the license requires that the mention exists somewhere anyway.

What you CANNOT DO: “JME thinks my game is the best game ever and Paul said so!”

Do you see the difference between those two things?

There is a difference between YOU promoting your product and JME promoting your product.

…well…thats fine…i have no issue with that…reason why i started this thread is fact that i have decided to adopt JME as a main tool for 3D, which is what i do for living…having said that, i had concerns related to license, in same light as what happen to METAIO, which use to be open source, cross platform AR engine…suddenly over the night, they simply cut of everything and left thousands of developers, and many of them with commercial contracts, alone in to void…i have no issues with that, if there is some kind of warning, so things could be sort out on time, but just cut of everything over night without word, is rude…so, since i was one of mentioned METAIO developers, lost contract because of that sudden move, i simply wanted to know, how things stands with JME, thats all…

One important thing, with a license like BSD, you can’t suddenly “close source” it. Well, you can for future versions but the existing version will always be out there and free. You can’t take it back. It might have been the same with METAIO, I don’t know what license they used.

Most people hear “XYZ is going close source” and think that means that they can’t use it anymore… but it really just means that the company that ran it isn’t going to maintain it anymore.

In JME’s case, there is no company. No one gets paid for anything. It’s all volunteer. We have a handful of core developers but these days just as many contributions come from outside contributors as patches.

This is why when someone says “I can’t believe you haven’t implemented feature X yet” we offer to show them where to send patches.

Does that usually shut them up? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, the conversation usually goes like:
JoeNewUser: “I can’t believe you haven’t implemented feature X yet!!!”
Us: “We look forward to your patches.”
JoeNewUser: “I would but I’m trying to write my game and don’t have time for that.”
Us: “Q.E.D.”

More or less.

…well…pspeed, if you trying to be sarcastic on my account, just keep doing it…i am the one who use to ask why JME file format is not introduced since engine seems to be quite mature, not because i cant use JME in its form but because I was surprised to see that particular feature is missing, which is important…that was constructive question and not subject of been picky or complaining about whole thing, but i will keep my mouth shut from now on, as it seems to be only proper way…my apology to you sir…


We don’t have the same opinion about the MIT license, keep it in mind. I proudly use the GPL for my personal projects :smile:

I think he was talking about a pattern not about every case that could look like fitting.
They do get asked such questions a lot. Some questions are genuine and useful, some are just people ranting the devs didn’t cancel their own wedding to code their particular need.

Keep in mind normen and pspeed are kind of like Kramer… direct with not much embarrassment for public etiquette :D. But you shouldn’t read too much into that… it’s for efficiency.

The source of METAIO was open source, its users could maintain it. I can talk about that as it is typically what I have to do when a useful open source project becomes proprietary or unmaintained, it happened for Java3D (I initiated its port to JOGL 2, there was only a small maintenance effort at this time), it happened for Ardor3D (Renanse gave up, I’ve maintained JogAmp’s Ardor3D Continuation for years), it happened for the JOGL backend of LibGDX (Xerxes and me maintain it), … I don’t see myself as a “customer” of APIs, I see myself in self-management and in effort sharing.

When I find a bug in Jasper Reports, I look at its source code (even though I’m not a specialist of reports) and I try to fix it, I don’t cry on the forums for years unlike numerous developers do. Work must pay. If I don’t pay someone, I won’t expect her/him to work for me for free and when the source code is available, why not contributing when I have enough time to do so? Using free and open source softwares is about receiving and giving.

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That’s nice. There are good pro arguments for this engine and community. I also hope that I can make a living by using jME one day (marketing and business is currently my problem).

That’s a shame and I can understand your uncertainty (especially since you plan to make a living by using jME).

The jME engine has been around since 2003 (I used it in 2006 for the first time).
During that time the dev team changed - Mark Powell and Joshua Slack left.
People went away, new people came, some people returned.

Nothing is sure and there will never be a guarantee for anything, but here are good reasons why jME might be with us for a long time:

I don’t think that there will be another closed source or commercial version of jME. There was Ardor3D, but that commercial project only lived for 2 years. Maybe there will be a closed source or commercial version one day, but then it’s still the choice of the user to use the open source version.

If you are looking for certainty, then you might be interested in the big players (Unity or Unreal) since that gives you kind of the maximum certainty you can get (Millions of paying users → will be continued as long as possible).

You are not the only person to mention some missing feature… though it is a minority of folks who imply we are lazy for not having done it already. I meant no animosity. You asked why a feature was not implemented yet. I suggested you could always write it yourself. You said you didn’t have time… which pretty much answers the question of why it hasn’t been done before.

Things get added to the engine because someone needed them and had time to implement it. Period. Generally, we don’t sit around trying to decide to implement feature X just because.

So next time you are curious if the engine has a feature just ask… don’t imply we have been lazy for not implementing it yet.

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Ardor3D lived a lot more than 2 years, there is no closed source version of Ardor3D, it was open source, its source code is still available under the same license, there was no “commercial” license. An heavily modified version of Ardor3D is used in the commercial game Caromble. Moreover, JogAmp’s Ardor3D Continuation is still actively maintained and developed mainly by me, this engine won’t disappear any time soon :smile: I appreciate that we have some choice, there can’t be one engine to satisfy all Java developers.

Ecco, I agree with pspeed. If some features are missing, feel free to contribute. I needed a mechanism of image type detection not relying on the file extension, I wrote it, I put it into JogAmp’s Ardor3D Continuation and I moved it into JOGL later. I didn’t cry and wait for someone else to implement it for free. “If it’s up to be, it’s up to me” :smile: We aren’t lazy, we have a life. I can tell you that contributing to several engines can become time consuming.

That’s why I used “or” and not “and” :chimpanzee_wink:
I’m confused a little bit though - back then they wanted to give enhanced corporate support too. So I thought it was planned as a commercial project. Hm, okay, maybe I’m wrong on that too.
Actually I do not know how high chances are that someone comes, takes the code, makes it a big corporate engine. It doesn’t really matter anyways, things will happen and planning ahead is always limited…

There was some sort of commercial support done by Ardor Labs, yes, but no commercial license. There is no “corporate” engine, forget it. There isn’t a big frontier between softwares used in the corporations and others. For example, OpenVPN is used in numerous corporations, OwnCloud too, they aren’t called “corporate” softwares.

Minecraft started as a hobby project, just look at Notch’s comments on

Theoretically someone could hire ten or more people full time, take over (since the license is so free) and make this their own product with a much faster pace for updates. That’s what I meant.

That idea put aside, you are kind of right, since the recent trend is to make commercial products open source and the trend to just use already open source projects or put some commercial support around open source (MySQL now or Ardor back then) is even older. Blender started as proprietary software too. But I’ve read something yesterday that one small corporation went back to proprietary. Time will tell, we can only guess…

…but, where did i said or even remotely mentioned that you, or anybody else is ‘lazy’ ? Where? It was a simple question/wondering, how come such thing doesn’t exists (proprietary file format), considering fact that engine is very mature…and that was all…it was not a complaint or anything like that, even less, pointing finger at someone for that, especially having in mind its open source and people contributing what they can, and i understand that very well…then now i read that thing about calling people lazy, which i never did…ihh… :confounded:

Just to make sure,

is it correct to make a splash screen with the Jmonkey Engine at the game start?

This language us very aggressive. I’m sorry you don’t see that.

Imagine if I came to your house and knocked on your door. You come and invite me in and we start talking. Next thing you know, I say “How come you haven’t given me anything to drink considering the fact that you seem to have plenty of money?”

Do you see how that might be considered rude?

Put another way, how is it even remotely possible to answer the question without being put on the defensive? It’s a very demanding way to ask about something… essentially expressing extreme surprise that no one has taken the time out of their busy schedules to implement a feature you desire. Mentioning “maturity” is just a way to hammer that home… because logically if ‘pet feature’ was a requirement for maturity then it would be there, ergo, it’s not a requirement but just a desire… so the work arounds must be a bunch easier than implementing it.

In this case, a proprietary file format is a HUGE amount of work that requires dedicate folks to keep a different exporter up to date for a variety of tools. Imagine the amount of work it takes and then triple… because you have no idea. It’s so much easier to hobble along with the crappy asset pipeline we have that no one has put in the 1000 man hours necessary to make it happen.

In the future, if you want to know if a feature exists then just ask. But asking why a feature doesn’t exist isn’t really productive. It’s almost nothing but accusatory as the answer cannot really be that insightful. In open source, the only answer to such a question is “because no one has done it yet.”

…in that case i do apologize sincerely…i truly didn’t know it was rude at all, as i have not had slightest intention to even sound rude, not to mention to be like that…i was truly curious about what i use to ask in other thread, and nothing more than that…maybe way i use english and my expressions somewhat leaving that impression, as its not my native tongue…either way, i’m sorry if that sounded rude…i didn’t know that…

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