
JmeAnnotations is an attempt to make life easier when playing with the engine. They don’t “do” anything in terms of “what does this do that I cannot already do” - but are instead best described as “syntactical sugar”. They make your life easier.

Currently there are two areas in which this library focuses on:

  • Application Launch
    Allows quick creation and modification of the application and engine settings.
// An example of the available annotations.
        width = 1280,
        height = 720,
        fullscreen = false,
        title = "jMonkey: Annotations Example App",
        vSync = false,
        frameRate = 120

@AppIcons(px16 = "Icons/px16.png", px32 = "Icons/px32.png", px64 = "Icons/px64.png", px128 = "Icons/px128.png")

@DebugSettings(showStatistics = true, showFps = true)
@EngineSettings(pauseOnLostFocus = false, showSettings = false)
  • AppState update times
    Allows you to set multiple time-intervals in one appstate.
@LoopMonitor(value = 1, name = "monitor 1")
@LoopMonitor(value = 5, name = "monitor 2")
@LoopMonitor(value = 10, name = "monitor 3")

Examples of how to use these annotations are here.