Ok, I will look at it, what about previous problem?
the problem still appears, but I have trouble reproducing it.
I mean that I can not understand in which case the problem occurs.
I thought it might show up when a custom controller was added, but that’s not always the case.
Hm, it’s very interesting…
this control seems deprecated, I will add integration with BetterCharacterControl
yes it is actually deprecated, but according to you, why this error appears now?
Previously, this exception was not lifted.
This exception is in JNI level of the bullet native module, I can’t fix it in the engine. I reproduce this exception every time on my Linux machine.
I have fixed this problem in 1.3.1 version of the plugin, I have pushed it to jetbrains repository, now the version is on review.
When I look in the Bullet code, it is not the setUp method that is defined but the setUpAxis method.
In Jme3-Bullet-Native, it’s always a call to setUp that is registered:
* Class: com_jme3_bullet_objects_PhysicsCharacter
* Method: setUp
* Signature: (JLcom/jme3/math/Vector3f;)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jme3_bullet_objects_PhysicsCharacter_setUp
(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jlong objectId, jobject value) {
btKinematicCharacterController* character = reinterpret_cast<btKinematicCharacterController*>(objectId);
if (character == NULL) {
jclass newExc = env->FindClass("java/lang/NullPointerException");
env->ThrowNew(newExc, "The native object does not exist.");
btVector3 vec = btVector3();
jmeBulletUtil::convert(env, value, &vec);
character->setUp(vec); <---------------------- Here
is not that the problem?
On Windows, I did not have this exception, it just appears in Linux
In any case, this bug is related only for core team, I don’t have any experience with native-bullet module.
So, jMB 1.7.0 will provide BetterCharacterControl by default
I have fixed this problem
and 1.3.1 IntelliJ plugin which works on windows as well
with this pre-release version 1.7, I notice that some elements are missing, like a problem in the management of the materials or the options of adding state of scene.
Is it related to the fact that all the modifications are not yet merged ?
one video for exemple:
About material parameters, it was a bug, I have fixed it here:
About some “app states”, I have dropped integration with it in jMB, because I offer use SkyControl(which is already in jMB) instead of.
@thoced by the way, if you want to continue using “Lighting App State” in 1.7.0+, you can add it to your project and use it as “user’s app state” in jMB
I just tested the JMB develop branch (with the implementation of BetterCharacterControl).
When the capsule collides with a rigiddBodyControl, it jumps unceasingly.
When I test the scene in the usercode, it works properly.
Here is a video of the problem:
Then, when the scene is then closed in JMB and then reopened, the CharacterControl is no longer active, and can no longer be activated.
I just installed version 1.7 release, the sub-nodes of the SkyControl are no longer accessible.
Should I do otherwise to set the SkyControl?
then I will update the build today…
I have updated the build.
In version 1.7.1 it seems that the lights (directional light and ambient light) can no longer be selected in the SkyControl