A new alpha2 release is available for testing:
project.ext {
jmeVer = '3.8.0-alpha2'
dependencies {
implementation "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-core:$jmeVer"
Full Release Notes:
A few notable things that are new since the last alpha1 release:
Major refactoring to PBRLighting. These changes are temporarily in a new copy of PBRLighting, but this will fully replace PBRLighting.j3md after more testing. If you have experience in shaders, please take a look at this modular version of PBRLighting.frag.
Added support for multiple monitors and fulllscreen on a secondary monitor. Check out this example: TestMonitorApp to help test this.
Added support for editing textures in-shader: TestShaderImage
Bug Fix for animation exception that occurred when playing animations without an ArmatureMask in the last alpha release.
I am still working optimizing and refactoring the PBR terrain shaders (to work with the new modular struct system), but I want to get some feedback on the current changes to PBRLighting before finalizing everything. So feedback and testing for the new modular PBR shader is especially appreciated.