jMonkeyEngine v3.8.0-alpha2

A new alpha2 release is available for testing:

project.ext {
  jmeVer = '3.8.0-alpha2' 
dependencies {
    implementation "org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-core:$jmeVer"

Full Release Notes:

A few notable things that are new since the last alpha1 release:

  • Major refactoring to PBRLighting. These changes are temporarily in a new copy of PBRLighting, but this will fully replace PBRLighting.j3md after more testing. If you have experience in shaders, please take a look at this modular version of PBRLighting.frag.

  • Added support for multiple monitors and fulllscreen on a secondary monitor. Check out this example: TestMonitorApp to help test this.

  • Added support for editing textures in-shader: TestShaderImage

  • Bug Fix for animation exception that occurred when playing animations without an ArmatureMask in the last alpha release.

I am still working optimizing and refactoring the PBR terrain shaders (to work with the new modular struct system), but I want to get some feedback on the current changes to PBRLighting before finalizing everything. So feedback and testing for the new modular PBR shader is especially appreciated.


Awesome work, thank you!


I’ve tried this against both my VR game Starlight and the Tamarin VR testbed. All looks to work well


You are awesome! Thanks for your work!
I have upgraded my project to 3.8.0-alpha2 and it looks good so far.
Especially the PRBLIghting, I like the new effect it changes, it looks more natural compared to the old one.