Jump'n Run test game

Hi @Nakano, just my two cents. Here are the aspects I found interesting in your demo:

  1. The camera movements by interacting with points of interest on the map. (Try exploring JME’s Cinematic class as well).
  2. Transitions between internal and external scenes using the FadeFilter (I’d be curious to see how you handle loading/unloading scenes from memory and from the BulletAppState).
  3. The management of gravity and player movement when standing on platforms as they move down.
    It seems to me that you used neither BetterCharacterControl nor CharacterControl, but a completely custom approach.

Just my curiosity: I wonder why you wrote some of the logic in python instead of writing everything in java? Is Python your primary programming language by any chance?

Go ahead, and as soon as you can improve the graphics a bit with some filters and a background sky. Remember that Sinbad has sword animations; use them to break some boxes :wink:

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