JVM Flags

Have been playing about with a few JVM flags to try to get the best out of the system.

Good topic per http://java.sun.com/javame/reference/docs/cldc-hi/doc/porting/html/chapter6.html

Just wondering what settings anyone has found to be best when using jme ( obviously slight variations with different projects ), also any thoughts to detecting specific processors on installation and creating the java command line options.

my favorite vm options:

-mx1g -Xss8m -Djava.library.path=./lib

but that's not what you were asking, I guess

why do you think you need special options?
irrisor said:

my favorite vm options:

-mx1g -Xss8m -Djava.library.path=./lib

but that's not what you were asking, I guess

why do you think you need special options?

just found this one and thought that I may just be missing some more


The link you post is JVM for JavaME.

this is propably the most complete list of jvm options:


also linked with the most important here:
