I made a charecter with makehuman exported to fbx then exported a gltf from that fbx in blender then i added to jme i got this error i also used some charcters from sketchfab i got same error too
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:25 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:25 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:25 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_specular
Feb 08, 2023 2:47:26 AM com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.CustomContentManager readExtension
WARNING: Could not find loader for extension KHR_materials_ior
If your model loads and looks ok then don’t worry. If your model does not load or does not look ok then post that… since the warning may or may not have anything to do with that.
So, to rephrase your question for anyone trying to help:
“I made a charecter with makehuman exported to fbx then exported a gltf from that fbx in blender then i added to jme and they fail to load any material. i also used some charcters from sketchfab i got same problem. Here is an example of what they look like when loaded (insert picture here). I don’t know if it’s related but I get a bunch of these warnings (insert warnings from above). I’m using version (insert version JME or SDK or whatever)”
imugur images don’t appear to me
So pbrMetallicRoughness is the default converted to pbrlighting, KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness must be converted to phong lighting, and KHR_materials_unlit must converted to unshaded material… right?
Hey, Sorry for late update I had several problem, I didn’t have light probe, and also model had problems i use modo mainly so i found the way to the problem in this video
it is for mixamo but pretty much applicable to makehuman models too, also in blender by changing opaque to alpha hashed you can make it work.
and also i found some tools to change specular workflow to metalic if you needed ever, https://gltf.report/ you upload model to here it tells it need to change spec to metalic then export and also this nodejs tool: