Hey there guys,
so I am currently building an ingame HUD with a lifebar and other stuff.
I thought it would be smart to use the progress bar from Lemur to display it.
Updating it shouln’t be a problem in the future since there are the methods setProgressValue/setProgressPercent.
However I am wondering on how resitze this bar. Right now it is in a Container which uses the standard layout. I tried to scale the ProgressBar on it X-Axis but it was not the result i need since it “destroys” the layout from the container. So I am wondering if I am missing something. The code for the lifebar looks like this:
private Container setupLife() {
Container lifeHolder = new Container("holder");
DefaultRangedValueModel model = new DefaultRangedValueModel();
ProgressBar lifeBar = new ProgressBar(model);
Label currentLife = new Label(String.valueOf(app.getConfig().getLives()));
lifeHolder.addChild(lifeBar, 0);
lifeHolder.addChild(currentLife, 3);
return lifeHolder;
I am also aware that the model i am using for the progressBar is currently the default one but it shouldn’t make any difference, atleast for my issue right now. Atleast that is what i think.
Cheers guys