Lightning Strike

Hi guys!

I wondered if it is possible with the particle system (or any other) to create a lightning strike like this: Maybe just one stroke, not the substrokes that split out of the main. Anyone did this before? Or thought about it?

arc and spark are interesting me too  :?

yeah, should be possible. I did some little 2d test ages ago with animated lightning. Arranging many light spots with additive blending should do the trick in 3d, too.

Uh, that looks great - even in 2D. Maybe I can recreate this for my 3D demo. But I have to figure out how to put those "light spots" into my world and have additive blending… I hope I can make it. Thanks for your hint!

Maybe you could use lines and create a custom lightning controller to animate them, and then use a blur/glow pass over it (very intense) to give it the right look?

Hi chirtius,

“Maybe you could use lines and create a custom lightning controller to animate them, and then use a blur/glow pass over it (very intense) to give it the right look?”

Can you tell me which example to create that?

A paper you could read …

Physically Based Animation and Rendering of Lightning


dinhnguyenquoc said:

Hi chirtius,

"Maybe you could use lines and create a custom lightning controller to animate them, and then use a blur/glow pass over it (very intense) to give it the right look?"

Can you tell me which example to create that?

I'll see if I can put something together but my time is very limited at the moment.
jfelrod1960 said:

A paper you could read ...


So complicated to me!

It's hard to implement in jme. It gets so many time to research!

Do you have any another idea?

DO want just the Strike, or use it also as light?

Because the BillBoardNodes of JME can be axial orientated, so you could hang many ligthning billboards on a BezierCurve, for example. the growing could be done with a localscale and with Blending.

For Testings you could hang every BillBoardNode in the other BillboardNode which is next to this one. so changes on the First Node are taken automaticly on the others.










    B      B


End        End

The Axis of the BillBoard should be like the lines here in this Image  XD

this looks pretty nice, one problem with lines is, that they are always same thick because the thickness is defined in pixels and doesn’t respond to perspective…

Maybe one could use Volumetric Lines to create a nice lightning effect.