Llama-terra-0.0.5 - TerrainManager, now to jme 2.0

I pass the code. :smiley:

Bin: http://www.4shared.com/file/127460987/9a11e32/terra-005.html

Source: http://www.4shared.com/file/127461777/3c1b4892/terra-005-src.html

good luck  :wink:

Waiting for some feedback,



Thanks for the contribution, but could you be more specific about what you've done exactly? Is there a changelog or something of the sort to read up on?

My guess would be, basically you have bumped the code up to 2.0 compatibility? Nice job :slight_smile: Any new features though? Are you planning to?

erlend_sh said:

My guess would be, basically you have bumped the code up to 2.0 compatibility?

erlend_sh said:

Any new features though?

No, don't have new features.
erlend_sh said:

Are you planning to?

Yes, because i go to use this in my mmorpg, terra don't have editor and texture splatting implemented.