Mac OS X - SDK does not start

Hello monkeys,

I recently downloaded the new “stable SDK” to use the new blender features. The only problem is that the new SDK won’t even start on my Mac OS X Version 10.6.8 with Java 1.6. (Panic in the house!)

I’d love to get some help on this, please.

What do you do?

Well, I downloaded the zip with Safari, which has been unpacked by Safari automatically in the Downloads folder. Then, I moved the to the Applications folder and double-clicked it. The usual dialog about applications downloaded from the internet has been answered with “open” and the monkey in the Dock started jumping. The monkey disappeared after a few seconds without any further notice, the SDK did not start however.

I’ve also tried the same procedure mutliple times, with and without deleting the Library/Application Support/jmonkeyplatform folder without success.

Is it because I use an older version of Java and OS X? Until now everything was fine though, but I’ve noticed that the new SDK uses Java 1.7.

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@Apollo said: Well, I downloaded the zip with Safari, which has been unpacked by Safari automatically in the Downloads folder. Then, I moved the to the Applications folder and double-clicked it. The usual dialog about applications downloaded from the internet has been answered with "open" and the monkey in the Dock started jumping. The monkey disappeared after a few seconds without any further notice, the SDK did not start however.

I’ve also tried the same procedure mutliple times, with and without deleting the Library/Application Support/jmonkeyplatform folder without success.

Is it because I use an older version of Java and OS X? Until now everything was fine though, but I’ve noticed that the new SDK uses Java 1.7.

Yeah, the SDK bundles a JDK so you should be able to run it without any JDK installed in the system. What does the log file say?

You can also try and run with the system-installed Java 1.6 by commenting out the jdk line in the jmonkeyplatform.conf file inside the application package.

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  1. A log file has not been created at all.
  2. But commenting out the jdk line in the jmonkeyplatform.conf file did the trick!

I’ve noticed problems with Mac and Java 7 on other computers already with the exact same problem: no start and no error message. I don’t know why though…
Until this is solved I’m even more glad to be able to use Java 1.6 with the new monkey engine :wink:

Normen, you’re awesome. Thanks a million for your help and everything you do for the engine.

Hi Apollo,
I have exact same problem, i can’t open jme3. How could you do the change recent version of jme3 to study with java 6?
Thank you

Well, what normen said helped. Also, I’m not very familiar with the SDK.

Which version are you trying to open? Did the installation of the SDK work without errors?

JME 3.0.5 version. Java 8. Mac osx 10.10.
I have installed JDK without any problem.

And, there is a link above but i can’t open it, says; it is private or doesn’t exists.

Which link? Sorry, I can’t see what you can see.

Yeah, the SDK bundles a JDK so you should be able to run it without any JDK installed in the system. What does the log file say?

You can also try and run with the system-installed Java 1.6 by commenting out the jdk line in the jmonkeyplatform.conf file inside the application package.
That one.

Ah, ok… As far as I can remember, that link was just about the log file (not sure).

Did you try to comment the line as suggested by normen?

Inside of monkeyplatform.conf:

# ${HOME} will be replaced by user home directory according to platform
default_mac_userdir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/${APPNAME}/3.0"

# options used by the launcher by default, can be overridden by explicit
# command line switches
default_options="--branding jmonkeyplatform -J-Xms24m -J-Xmx512m -J-XX:PermSize=128m -J-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=2048m -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true"
# for development purposes you may wish to append: -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=true -J-ea

# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch

# clusters' paths separated by path.separator (semicolon on Windows, colon on Unices)

What should i do?
Thank you…

Well, if the problem is the JME-bundled-JDK you can comment out the line like

// jdkhome="jdk"

But I’m not sure if this will solve your problem. Did you also try the SDK version 3.1?s

Didn’t worked. I will try 3.1
Thank you

Try removing the following folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/jmonkeyplatform

Then do the re-install thing again.

If anyone having same problem, do this, it does works.

Have a nice day…