Make something be attached to node for only like .5 seconds (like an instance)?

Hi forum!,

I have this one image of a gun, and a gun with a muzzle flash, and I have it set up so when I click, the image of blank gun changes to the image of the shooting gun. This is the code I am using:

[java] if (name.equals("Shoot") && !keyPressed){




else {




The methods here creategun(); and create muzzleflashGun(); just change the image used for the guiNode.attachChild(gun);

So now I have a problem: When I hold the mouse button down the gun with the muzzle flash stays there, which is unrealistic behaviour, as real guns dont have constant fire coming out the end :smiley:

Does anyone have any ideas?

Help appreciated!

Live long.

add a Control to your gun that keeps track of the time when it was added (buy the person clicking) and then it can track each frame to see if a certain amount of time has passed.

The problem is, both my guns are called gun, like so:

[java]Picture gun = new Picture(“gun”);

private void creategun() {

gun.setImage(assetManager, “Interface/ak1.png”, true);



gun.setPosition(settings.getWidth()-settings.getWidth()/2, 2);


private void createmuzzleFlashGun() {

gun.setImage(assetManager, “Interface/ak2.png”, true);



gun.setPosition(settings.getWidth()-settings.getWidth()/2, 2);


So I’ll have to change the way i’ve done this, won’t I :slight_smile:

Nope. that has nothing to do with the control suggestion.

Dude, you are stubborn :P! You code like a Pascal programmer xD.

Maybe you can create a float “timer” and a boolean “shoot”, put it in the update() loop




//“what you want to change after 0.5 sec”



and this when the shoot is activated


timer = 0.0f;[/java]


@kernproblem said:
Maybe you can create a float "timer" and a boolean "shoot", put it in the update() loop
//"what you want to change after 0.5 sec"
and this when the shoot is activated
timer = 0.0f;[/java]


This is essentially what @sploreg was suggesting the original poster do in a control.... otherwise every object you have to have that same calculation and if statement versus just adding a single control to it.